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17 films produced by Billy Graham now streaming on Amazon Prime

Video streaming services might offer us hundreds of entertaining shows and binge-worthy series, but when was the last time you watched a vintage broadcast featuring the one and only Billy Graham? Well, now you can. Amazon Prime video has just made available a whole host of movies produced by the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association.

The 17 films include timeless movies and feature films from the late evangelist, including “The Hiding Place,” “The Restless Ones” and “Last Flight Out.” According to BGEA, it was after watching “The Restless Ones” that television personality and former “Today” show host, Kathie Lee Gifford, decided to give her life to Christ.

Following Graham’s death almost a year ago, Gifford gave an emotional tribute to the man she said impacted the course of her life in a profound way.

“The thing that I adored most about him is that he remained the most humble and giant of a man you would ever, ever, ever want to meet,” Gifford explained. “He had this incredible, loving presence of a person for the masses, but then when you were one-on-one with him, you were the only person in the room. Rarely do people have both of those gifts.”

World Wide Pictures, the filmmaking arm of BGEA, produced evangelistic films, many of which featured Billy Graham himself, as a way of reaching people who wouldn’t regularly find themselves in church. By all accounts, the results were staggering.

“Hundreds of thousands of individuals accepted Christ kneeling on sticky concrete floors in theaters across America,” said Barry Werner, former director of operations for World Wide Pictures.

Many reacted positively to the news that they can now stream these wholesome movies on such a popular platform.

“This is a wonderful way to reach people; thank you for this initiative!” one person tweeted in response to the announcement.

“I watched ‘The Hiding Place’ last night,” another person commented, adding that the movie puts “our current troubles are put into perspective very quickly.”

Billy’s son, Franklin Graham, is about to embark on a Gospel tour across Australia — booking out enormous arenas and convention centers. The best part? It is completely free to attend.

To learn more about the tour, watch the video below:

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