Culture Watch

‘8 Days’ Director: Trump ‘Has done more to fight’ human trafficking than Obama, leftists

Anti-human trafficking leader Jaco Booyens said at Turning Point USA’s High School Leadership Summit on Thursday that he could not “get the radical left” or the “Obama White House” to fight human trafficking, but he stressed that President Trump “has done more to fight” it.

“The youngest child that we’ve rescued from sexual slavery — that child [was raped] 20 times that day — that day! — she was two years old,” said Boons.

“Do you know that I cannot get the radical left to do something about it?” he said. “Do you know that we could not get the Obama White House to do something about it?”

“Do you know that President Trump has done more to fight that thing — Ivanka, Jared — they have done more — Don Jr.—to fight that thing,” he said.

Booyens is a board member of Traffick911, which was founded in 2009 and based in Addison, Texas. It is an organization that frees youth from sex trafficking and has helped more than 800 sex-trafficking victims.  He also directed the movie 8 Days, which is inspired by true stories of sex-trafficked victims.

According to the International Labour Organization, “Out of the 24.9 million people trapped in forced labour…4.8 million persons are in forced sexual exploitation,” and women and girls account “for 99% of victims in the commercial sex industry.”

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