Terry Bradshaw Reveals How Jesus Saved His Life in Heartfelt Testimony 10 Years Ago
Anyone under the watchful eye of the media knows there’s often a price to be paid for voicing certain opinions. Oh, you’re allowed to believe what you wish, just as long as it’s politically correct, mind you. Many celebrities crumble under the pressure. They either give in, go with the flow and follow their peers, or they remove themselves from the spotlight altogether. Which is why it’s always refreshing when someone famous chooses to be outspoken regarding their faith, despite what some might say or do.
Terry Bradshaw is perhaps most famous for his sports career, but there’s much more to appreciate about the former Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback. Co-host for “Fox NFL Sunday,” Bradshaw has also been seen gracing the silver screen on more than one occasion. But it’s not his TV and film career that’s ruffled more than a few feathers.
Rather, it’s his views on faith and politics that have left some with crossed arms and sour expressions. But Bradshaw hasn’t let the bad blood get him down.
In fact, about a decade ago, Bradshaw spoke out about his faith in Jesus. In a one-on-one interview with CBN’s Scott Ross, the sports guru chatted about his upbringing, criticism from the media, and the power of prayer.
“You have to understand, I got hammered pretty good by the media,” Bradshaw shared. “They called me stupid. They called me dumb. That’s pretty powerful.”
Yet the media’s harsh words didn’t stop Bradshaw. He may have dealt with depression, and he even cried out to God and pleaded, “just get me out of here.”
However, the NFL icon pushed through and is now one of the most well-known sports commentators on television. “…everything that I’ve done, everything that I do, is to this day, all major decisions are all through prayer,” Bradshaw explained.
“I had one of those great, wonderful, salvation moments in my life,” he said. “It was one of those moments that I knew that God’s spirit had moved into my heart … I couldn’t escape it. Because I learned that God forgave me.”
And it’s his faithfulness to his beliefs that have continued to show up in interviews. When the national anthem protest became a controversial issue in the NFL starting in 2016, Bradshaw didn’t shy away from his views about the matter.
“I do have a problem when people in this country don’t respect our flag and national anthem,” he said in an interview with Fox News. Bradshaw also expressed his frustrations with not being able to talk about Jesus.
“We can’t talk about Jesus. We can’t mention that anymore,” he said. “So we say ‘I’m religious,’ because if we say ‘Jesus,’ you automatically are pigeonholed and kicked off the desk.”
Powerful and sobering words from a man of faith. No doubt we can continue to expect Bradshaw to do what he does best — to live the life, morals, and faith he believes, despite what the media might think.
– Sara Carri | westernjournal.com (PHOTO: Cindy Ord – Getty Images)