Local ministries list guide for end-of-year giving
Each year Metro Voice provides a listing of organizations that serve the most vulnerable in our communities. Whether it is the single mom and her children, our elderly, orphans, the sick, the homeless or incarcerated, our readers respond with prayers, time, items, and finances as ways of giving to keep these ministries going throughout the year.
“But if anyone has the world’s goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God’s love abide in him?” 1 John 3:17.
Let us all work together to show the love of Christ this Christmas and the coming year. Together, we can make a difference.
ALPHA CHRISTIAN CHILDREN’S HOME AND SCHOOL. Perry, Ks; 785-597-5235; www.alphachristianchildrenshome.com; Michelle Kincaid. A ministry for children in need due to poverty, abuse, neglect, being orphaned, or having other needs. Alpha provides the children with a loving family and opportunities for healing and growth. A school learning center promotes excellence and success academically, sometimes for the first time, for each child. Alpha is 100% privately funded, and there is no tuition charge for those served. We are always in need of financial support, as well as food, clothing, and toys for the kids. We also have a list of special needs.
BREAKTHROUGH HOUSE, INC. Contact Person for Wish List donations: Lynn Davis: 785-232-6807 ext 108; 525 SW Topeka Blvd, Topeka, KS 66603 (for drop off). Website: www.breakthroughhouse.org; Facebook: www.facebook.com/Breakthrough-House-Inc-228527173160/. Breakthrough House is a non-clinical, non-medical, private non-profit that helps support individuals with mental illness. Our mission is To Empower Our Mental Health Consumers to Live Independent, Impactful Lives. We try to fill the needs of our service population where the medical and clinical leaves off. We serve over 350 residents of Shawnee County every year through one of our three programs: Breakthrough Clubhouse, a place for consumers to gather every day, for socialization, activities, and a healthy meal; Breakthrough Residential Program, a supportive-care program which includes two state-licensed group homes and independent apartments; and the Breakthrough Representative Payee Program, working through the authorization of the Social Security Administration, ensuring our consumers’ rents, utilities and medical bills are paid, and in that way, helping to prevent homelessness and stability. We maintain a small food pantry consisting of non-perishable items only, as well as personal hygiene items. We are always in need of these items. We also welcome volunteers at our Clubhouse.
CATHOLIC CHARITIES OF NORTHEAST KANSAS. 234 S Kansas Avenue, Topeka, KS 66603. www.catholiccharitiesks.org. Founded in 1956, Catholic Charities of Northeast Kansas is a nonprofit health and human services agency that assists annually more than 85,000 people of all faiths. Our work strengthens both families and communities in the 21 counties we serve. Our vision is that our neighbors who are challenged by poverty of mind, body and spirit find the open door of Catholic Charities in our communities and are met with help, hospitality and hope. The Topeka location always has a need for food drives and donations.
CHRISTIAN STREET WITNESS and CHRISTIAN NEIGHBOR CENTER. 107 SW 14th St., Topeka, Ks, 66612; 354-8763. James Kincade, House Manager. Purpose is to share the Good News, feed and clothe the hungry, work with ex-convicts, the down and out, alcoholics, drug addicts, widows and orphans, abused women and children, and others going through difficult times; help them find jobs, counsel them and offer them a safe place. Donations/volunteers needed. Current needs include canned goods and help with the chapel window project.
CHRISTIANS FOR LIFE. PO Box 3856, Topeka, Ks, 66604. 267-5777; bakerbarb54130@gmail.com; Barbara Saldivar. Christians for Life, Inc. is the pro-life ministry that facilitates the Heart of America Memorial Wall for the Unborn, located at 1216 SE Republican Avenue. We offer those who lost a baby through miscarriage, still birth, or abortion a place to put their child’s name on the wall of remembrance. Donations toward the cost are always welcome and needed but not necessary. In addition to the memorial park, a prayer walk is being constructed. Meetings are held the 3rd Monday bi-monthly, starting in February, 7:00 PM, please call for directions. The public is welcome. Donations and volunteers to assist with the construction of the prayer walk and upkeep of the memorial wall grounds are needed.
DOORSTEP, INC., Doorstep, Inc., 1119 SW 10th Avenue, Topeka, Ks, 66604; 357-5341; www.doorsteptopeka.org. Doorstep is an emergency aid agency providing assistance for families and individuals in need for over 50 years. The agency is primarily supported by 56 area member congregations, businesses, individuals, community groups, and with grants from the City of Topeka, Shawnee County and The United Way of Greater Topeka. Doorstep provides food, clothing, household goods, and assistance for rent, utilities, rx/dental, gas vouchers and local bus tickets for thousands of households all year long. Each year Doorstep adopts 250 households from the Christmas Bureau to help during the holidays. This accounts for over 800 individuals. We greatly need new, winter clothing for infants, boys and girls, sizes 6 – 16, women and men. Our Christmas Store is December 9th – 13th if you would like to volunteer your time, or to donate gifts. Check out our flyer for more details on our website at: www.DoorstepTopeka.org. Regular office hours for donations are Mon.–Fri. 8am–3pm.
KANSAS CHILDREN’S SERVICE LEAGUE. 3545 SW 5th St, Topeka, Ks, 66606; 274-3100 or Toll Free 877-530-5275; www.kcsl.org; Email: gcozadd@kcsl.org. A statewide, not-for-profit agency with a mission to protect and promote the well-being of children. Founded in 1893, KCSL’s programs work to help keep kids safe, families strong, and communities involved. Our services touch the lives of some 40,000 children and their families each year. Among KCSL’s programs in Northeast Kansas are adoption referral services for children in foster care through www.adoptkskids.org, foster home sponsorship, infant adoption, parent education, Healthy Families, and a range of child abuse and neglect prevention services including the Community Resource Library and Parent Helpline. Needed items include clothing and toiletries.
KANSANS FOR LIFE. Topeka, KS. Phone: 785-234-2998, E-mail: topeka@kfl.org Website: www.kfl.org. Jeanne Gawdun, Senior Lobbyist and Events Coordinator. Kansans for Life is a statewide non-profit educational organization also engaged in social action. It is dedicated to protecting and fostering the most basic human right…life itself. KFL is a state affiliate of the National Right to Life Committee.
LET’S HELP, INC. 200 S. Kansas Ave., Topeka, Ks, 66603; www.letshelpinc.org; 234-6208. We are a non-profit organization serving Shawnee County and surrounding areas. We provide programs and services through Comprehensive Emergency Services by offering aid with rent, utilities, and medication; Food & Clothing Banks, to include professional attire; Adult Basic Education & GED; Pre-Employment Training & Job Placement Coordination; and a Community Lunch. Let’s Help collaborates with many other service agencies in the community and provides appropriate referrals. Let’s Help is known as an agency that is committed to building a better community by inspiring hope, promoting self-sufficiency and breaking the cycle of poverty one person at a time.
LIFE CHOICE MINISTRIES. 1445 Anderson Ave., Manhattan, Ks, 66502; 785-776-9406. A ministry to women and families facing challenging pregnancies and related issues. We offer free pregnancy testing, life affirming options consultations, private adoption facilitation, abortion information, post-abortion help, friendship room (baby and maternity items), professional counseling, emotional and spiritual support, and prenatal, childbirth, and parenting education. Diapers all sizes, volunteers and financial support are needed.
LIFELINE CHILDREN’S SERVICES. Caitlyn Cogswell -785-249-6130. Caitlyn.Cogswell@lifelinechild.org. Our wish list is: 1. VOLUNTEERS and FAMILIES. We would love help with connecting to prayer partners, adoptive families, host families and those who would love to work with families in need. 2. diapers size 4 and 6, baby formula, new children’s clothing size NB-14+. Our volunteers serve a lot of babies and we like to help supply them with these items when we can! To learn more about Lifeline Children’s Services and all the ministries God has given us to serve in, visit www.lifelinechild.org or Facebook: Lifeline Children’s Services Kansas.
PREGNANCY CARE/INSIGHT WOMEN’S CENTER, Lawrence, KS; 842-6499; info@pcclawrence.org. Hours: 10am-5pm Mon. – .Thu., 10am – 12 pm Fri. PCC is a non-profit, non-denominational, non-political outreach supported by concerned evangelical Christians throughout the Lawrence area. We are here to reach out with Jesus’ love to women in our community facing unexpected or unplanned pregnancies. All Services Provided at No Charge: Pregnancy Tests, Post-Abortion Counseling, Baby and Maternity Items, Adoption Counseling, Women Caring for Women, Compassionate Listeners. We are still raising financial support, and also accept donations.
RANDEL MINISTRIES, INC. FOOD PANTRY & FAMILY OF GOD CHURCH CLOTHING BANK located at 1231 NW Eugene, Topeka, KS 66608, 234-1111, Open Tues & Thurs 10:30-2pm. www.FOGchurch.com or www.RandelMinistries.com, contact Lelah Randel, FOGsecretary@gmail.com.
SALVATION ARMY, 1320 SE 6th Ave., Topeka KS 66614; 785-233-9648. Majors Brian & Lee Ann Burkett, Corps Officers. Website: www.topeka.salvationarmy.us. Facebook: The Salvation Army Topeka Kansas. Emails: brian_burkett@usc.salvationarmy.org or leeann_burkett@usc.salvationarmy.org. The Salvation Army mission is to meet basic human needs in the name of Jesus Christ. Volunteers are needed for bellringing – signup online at www.registertoring.com. Sponsor a virtual kettle at www.onlineredkettle.org or donate at www.DonateTopeka.com. Wish list includes non-perishable food items, toys, and sports equipment.
TOPEKA NORTH OUTREACH, INC. 210 NW Menninger Rd. Topeka, KS 66617. 785-286-1370. topekanorthoutreach@gmail.com, www.topekanorthoutreach.org. “Christian Churches United in Service.” EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE: Limited financial help to families to assist in paying utilities, rent and prescriptions. Food baskets, Hygiene baskets, Bibles. VIP LUNCHEONS: Free lunch served to Senior Citizens every Friday at 12 noon at North Topeka Baptist Church. YOUTH PROGRAM: Operation Backpack program provides “Weekend Snack Sacks” to area students in need. Each Snack Sack contains nutritional kid-friendly and easy to prepare snacks. Scholarship assistance for school, medical or emergency expenses. CHRISTMAS PROJECT: Families adopted by our member churches through the Topeka Christmas Bureau. Also providing Holiday Food Baskets with Bibles, Blankets, Towels and Hygiene Baskets, Hats and Gloves. Toy Room with donations from Toys for Tots and American Sawdusters Club. Donations of funds, food, time and prayers are needed.
TOPEKA RESCUE MISSION MINISTRIES. 600 N. Kansas Ave., Topeka, Ks, 66608; 357-4285; trm@trmonline.org; www.trmonline.org; On Facebook at Topeka-Rescue-Mission-Ministries. Barry Feaker, Executive Director. The Mission provides shelter, food, clothing and other necessary services to individuals and families who are homeless or in need. This Christmas we are in most need of: new clothing (all sizes), bath/cologne gift sets, pots/pans, coffee makers, crock pots, small appliances, cooking utensils, towels, tool sets, men’s & women’s gifts & accessories, educational gifts and VOLUNTEERS!
TOPEKA YOUTH FOR CHRIST, INC. 2714 N. Topeka Blvd., # 103; Topeka, KS 66617; 785-232-8296; http://topeka.yfc.net; TYFC is looking for additional volunteers, prayer warriors, and donors who want to share the love of Christ with local youth. Click on the website or call the office to explore our ministry opportunities.
TOYS FOR TOTS. Topeka area: email Keith R. Viau at keith.viau@usmc.mil; Manhattan area: email: Lee A. Jones at lajones_66531@yahoo.com; Lawrence area: go to www.toysfortotsdgcoks.org or email: Mary Jones at maryjones@askmcgrew.com. Marine Toys for Tots Foundation, an IRS recognized 501(c)(3) not-for-profit public charity. We collect new, unwrapped toys during October, November and December each year, and distribute those toys as Christmas gifts to needy children in the community in which the campaign is conducted.
THE URBAN MINISTRY INSTITUTE OF Topeka. 8th and Clay. Mary Flin, Site Coordinator; 785-431-6000; maryflin@hotmail.com. Our wish list for the holiday season is for STUDENTS! TUMI-Topeka is here to come alongside the Church to equip leaders who have a passion for advancing the Kingdom of Christ, especially in the heart of the city. Second to our wish for an army of new leaders, we also welcome money for scholarships for these leaders, and are happy to provide homes for quality reference books for our library.