
Christmas memories: Mysterious nativity set prompts prayer for previous owners

So…the back story: My husband, Bob, and I were in Belton, Missouri, visiting a couple of antique stores. I came across this entire Willow Tree nativity set and instantly fell in love with it. However, the cost was way more than I was prepared to pay. I was so sad that I went and sat in our truck to mourn the “loss” (even though it hadn’t been mine to begin with).  Bob, seeing how much I wanted it, talked to the store owner and made an offer.  The owner then told him the story behind his acquisition of the nativity set.

It seems he and his wife had purchased a house that was in foreclosure. The previous owners of the home had been evicted – forced to leave everything behind. When the new owners began the process of clearing out the house, they found this complete Willow Tree set in pristine condition and decided to move it to their store. Bob told him how much I loved it, so the compassionate antique dealer accepted Bob’s offer. This beautiful set went home with us that day.

For me, the real back story lies with the previous owners of this beautiful nativity set. I often wonder what happened to them. How did they come by it? Were they heartbroken to leave it behind? Each Christmas when I set it up, I pray for that family and ask God to bless them in unexpected ways. So many other hands touched these precious pieces before I did – touched them lovingly and packed them away with great care. I will continue the tradition.

  • Kathy, from the Kansas City area, has a collection of over 50 nativities

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