Missouri NewsNewsRespect Life

Pro-Life Action Day at State Capitol Tuesday

Individuals who value the life of the unborn, adoption and foster care, the elderly, and special needs individuals, will gather in the Missouri State Capitol Tuesday, March 12. It’s the “Show Me Life” Pro-Life Action Day and is a celebration of life with visits to state legislator offices.

Registration begins at 10:00 a.m. with the huge Rally at 12 Noon on the first floor of the Rotunda in the State Capitol.

The event, which is the largest of its kind in the state, draws Christians and others from all backgrounds with the goal of speaking with one voice. You will have an opportunity to visit your legislator and share how important the life issue is to you, your family and your community.

There are several issues this year that have been determined to be priorities. The include:

  • Enact Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act and Ban Dismemberment Abortions;
  • Defund Planned Parenthood;
  • Enact Two Custodial Parent Notification prior to minor having an abortion;
  • Require proof, prior to an abortion, that parent or guardian with a minor is the legal parent or guardian;
  • When referred for an out-of-state abortion, a woman must be provided information on alternatives to abortion at time of referral.

The day will feature special guests including legislators and leaders in the pro-life movement.

Sue Thayer, a former abortion facility manager, is the guest speaker. Thayer worked for nearly 18 years in the abortion industry and believed she was helping women. That changed when she continually witnessed the practice personally and saw the emotional toll that the procedure had on the women who chose the death of their unborn child.

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She eventually left the industry and founded Cornerstone For Life Pregnancy Center in Storm Lake, Iowa. She currently works with 40 Days for Life as director of outreach.

Today she is passionately pro-life with a deep desire that the whole world understands the darkness of the abortion industry.

Transportation is available from many areas of the state. To ride to Jefferson City with others on a bus, contact Missouri Right to Life at 573-635-5110 or visit missourilife.org for information.

–Dwight Widaman


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