Tim Tebow calls on Christians to stand up for their values in America
Tim Tebow says that Christians need to stand up for Judeo-Christian values in America.
At a recent conference, the popular sports figure and now movie producer said, “What’s amazing when you get up and do something is what God does in your life. We just have to get up and do something. When your identity is found in Christ, your identity never changes. You are always a child of God. That’s why I always say I don’t have to live the roller coaster that the rest of the world lives …”
As Metro Voice previously reported, Tebow is a popular football quarterback who became a pro-life star when he shared how his mother Pam rejected abortion after doctors told her that killing her baby was the only way to save her life. At the time, Pam and her husband were on a mission trip in the Philippines when Pam suddenly became ill will dysentery. Tim says his mother’s doctors described him as a “fetal tumor” and “mass of cells” that had to be removed.
However, Tim’s mom courageously refused abortion and both Pam and Tim miraculously survived. In 2010, Tim and Pam partnered with Focus on the Family by sharing their story in a Superbowl commercial. The commercial was seen by millions of Americans and received high praise from pro-life groups.
Tebow opens hospital
Additionally, in 2014, the Tim Tebow Foundation announced in a press release that Tebow CURE Hospital has opened in Davao City, Philippines. Amazingly, in November 2013, the construction of Tebow’s hospital survived Haiyan, one of the most powerful typhoons ever recorded in the Philippines. The hospital will treat children with the most critical orthopedic needs and who normally could not afford treatment.
At the Tennessee event, an announced crowd of more than 2,000, including several with jerseys and memorabilia from his days as a University of Florida quarterback, listened to Tebow and other speakers as part of the God’s Purpose for America event at Middle Tennessee State University Saturday afternoon.
Conservative author and filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza, Nashville-based talk show host Phil Valentine and Family Action Council of Tennessee President David Fowler also spoke at the event that the Mt. Juliet-based Music with a Purpose sponsored.
While other speakers talked about how their faith ties into the U.S. political system, Tebow spoke about his ministry through stories about his upbringing and experiences as a college and professional quarterback.
Tebow signed a contract with the Philadelphia Eagles in April after stints with three other National Football League teams. While he won several games starting for the Denver Broncos, he last took a regular season snap in the NFL in 2013. By putting his beliefs and his outreach before everything else, Tebow said he has remained spiritually strong as a “Christian who happens to be an athlete.”
–Sarah Zagorski
Metro Voice is an Amazon Associate and recommends Tebow’s latest book: This Is the Day: Reclaim Your Dream. Ignite Your Passion. Live Your Purpose.
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