Omar files for divorce, faces questions over marriage to brother, tax fraud

Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) has separated from her husband with plans to divorce him, according to a new report, amid calls for investigators to probe Omar’s marriage history after it was recently found she filed joint tax returns with her current partner despite still being married to another man.
According to the Daily Mail, Omar and Ahmed Hirsi have split and she has moved into a penthouse apartment in Minneapolis. Hirsi has spent some time there as well but only when Omar is in Washington DC to attend Congressional sessions.
Omar and Hirsi first married, according to the Congresswoman, in a religious ceremony in 2002 and were together until 2008 when they got divorced. Omar illegally married her brother Ahmed Nur Said Elmi in 2009 and address records indicated all three lived at the same home for several years before, according to Omar, she separated from Elmi and reunited with Hirsi.
An investigation by Minnesota authorities found that Omar and Hirsi filed joint tax returns in 2014 and 2015 despite the fact Omar was still legally married to her brother.

For the most part, American media has protected the Congresswoman by refusing to report on the illegal marriage to her brother or tax fraud though it has been covered in media outlets around the world. But as news of it spreads by reliable news sources, American reporters are being forced to cover the issue.
An editor at the Minneapolis Star-Tribune said recently that Omar has been “unwilling to address” the marriage fraud allegations, which include allegations she perpetrated fraud in order to secure loans and federal student aid for her brother. The newspaper had previously glossed over the issue in an attempt to assist her election to Congress. Now that’s changed as the freshman Congresswoman’s polls number approach 6% approval in her home district forcing retrospection on her past and current anti-Semitic and American statements.
“There was an undisputed instance of her filing her taxes improperly. And if you’re in Congress, you should explain that to your constituents,” said the editor, Kevin Diaz.
Omar divorced Elmi in 2017, claiming she had not had contact with him since 2011, though photographs posted by Elmi in the intervening years showed them together in London along with Hirsi. She married Hirsi in 2018.
Approached by the Daily Mail this week, Hirsi said about he and Omar reportedly separating, “Wow. I can’t comment on that.”
Unnamed sources told the Mail that Hirsi was at a Starbucks near the house he and Omar lived in when she arrived at Minneapolis-St. Pauls Airport recently after being targeted on Twitter by President Donald Trump and received applause from her supporters. Video footage of the event did not show Hirsi present at the airport.
Since engaging in a back-and-forth with the president, Omar has become one of the most reported on Democrats in the nation as Congress members rushed to defend her against Trump.
Trump, who was asked about the allegations surrounding Omar recently, told reporters that he knew “nothing about it.”
“I hear she was married to her brother,” he added. “You’re asking me a question about it. I don’t know, but I’m sure that somebody would be looking at that.”
Judicial Watch filed an ethics complaint against Omar this week, delivering a letter to David Skaggs and alleging that compelling evidence indicated Omar had committed multiple types of fraud.
“Substantial, compelling and, to date, unrefuted evidence has been uncovered that Rep. Ilhan Omar may have committed the following crimes in violation of both federal law and Minnesota state law: perjury, immigration fraud, marriage fraud, state and federal tax fraud, and federal student loan fraud,” wrote Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch, in the letter.
“Rep. Omar actions in this suspected immigration fraud, marriage fraud, perjurious statements on her Minnesota divorce filings, and falsifications on her tax returns, merit your immediate investigation.”