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Mike Pompeo tells Christians to remain diligent in prayer

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo encourages Christians to focus on their faith and remain diligent in prayer. “We should be mindful of our responsibility, our duty, our obligation and our capacity to keep our faith, our light in the public square,” he said.

Pompeo made his remarks at a church in Plano, Texas, last weekend.

“As Christians, we’re called to do that,” he said. “We have that responsibility. It’s fundamentally American, too. We should pray. That’s the first of all things. I feel prayers. I get notes from people who say they’re praying for me. I can feel it. My wife, my son, we all appreciate it.”

Pompeo pointed out the essential role that missionaries play and how important it is to support their efforts.

READ: Pompeo says he turns to God’s Word for guidance

“You should keep supporting the missionaries that come from your church and from others,” he said. “They’re doing remarkable work. I see it as I travel all around the world. They are bringing salt and light to some of the darkest corners of the world. But you can also do it in simple ways.”

He encouraged his audience to be open and honest about their Christian faith, regardless of the occasion. “In every interaction that you have, whether you’re at church or at a Bible study, at your work or wherever you may find yourself, exercise your right to religious freedom,” Pompeo said. “Be open. Be clear about who you are.”

Pompeo concluded his speech with a strong message about religious freedom and the privileges bestowed upon Americans to practice their faith freely.

“If you hide your light in an open society like ours, that sends a terrible message to places that are more difficult, who have trouble or who are threatened if they choose to be bold in their faith,” he said. “’I urge every one of you to use your precious freedoms to do big things for our country alongside of doing big things for our kingdom.

“Now the world is watching us, and there will be naysayers. There will be critics. If you speak up about your faith, it is undoubtedly the case that someone will suggest that that’s not the right thing to do. But don’t be discouraged. It means you’ve got conviction and that you showed it.”

–Dwight Widaman | Metro Voice

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