International Day of Prayer for Persecuted Churches is Nov. 3
November 3 will be significant for more than just Election Day. Churches also are encouraged to participate in the International Day of Prayer for Persecuted Churches. To equip Christians for the annual event, Christian Freedom International designed a free resource kit to engage churches, whether meeting in-person or virtually.
“We pray year-round for persecuted Christians, but this provides one day for churches to focus their whole service to inviting God’s powerful intervention,” said Wendy Wright, president of Christian Freedom International.
The International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church was launched more than two decades ago. Today, more people are aware of the unrelenting threat and terrors, including:
- In China, pastors are jailed, churches destroyed, children banned from churches, and pictures of Jesus in homes and churches are replaced with images of China’s rulers.
- In Hong Kong, Christians face crushing threats from China’s oppressive regime.
- In India, Christians are violently attacked, and charities shut down by Hindu nationalists.
- In Nigeria, militant Islamists are conducting genocide against Christians.
- In Egypt, Christian young women are abducted by Islamists, forcibly converted and “’married” to Muslims to separate them from their families and faith.
- In Pakistan, false accusations of blasphemy trigger deadly mobs and death sentences against innocent Christians.
Christian Freedom International’s prayer kit includes:
- Two posters
- Bible study
- Church bulletin insert
- Bookmark
- Word search puzzle
- Children’s coloring page
- Scripture verses and song suggestions
- Devotionals
- Notecards to write to persecuted Christians
- Optional digital version available.
Hard copies are available (while supplies last) at at their website HERE.
Christian Freedom International serves persecuted Christians year-round with aid, schools, shelters and more.
–Dwight Widaman | Metro Voice