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Operation Christmas Child hopes to brighten life for world’s children despite ongoing pandemic

Shoeboxes from Operation Christmas Child bring hope to kids who desperately need to feel God’s love. But during this time when the coronavirus pandemic is making it difficult to just go to church, it’s even harder to get these boxes filled.

The problem is even more critical in states and cities from Kansas City to Los Angeles, and states like California, New York and North Carolina, who are still limiting church attendance.

“The disruptions related to giving, and maybe even as important to all that, is that even for those churches that have reopened, they’re seeing much smaller numbers of people show up,” said David Kinnaman, president of Barna. “So simply reopening a church doesn’t fix the underlying economic challenges that you might have.”

READ: Barna finds church still important to adults

Samaritan’s Purse relies heavily on donations and volunteers to fill the shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child. There are still many ways to safely fill those shoeboxes during the pandemic in time for national collection week: on November 16–23.

  • Traditional Packing: If you are willing and able, the traditional method of packing a shoebox is still available. You can even use things such as online shopping or curbside pick-up to help reduce the time spent at stores. But if you do leave your home to shop for your shoebox, just be sure to follow proper social-distancing guidelines. You can either drop your shoebox off at a participating church or drop-off location.
  • Virtual Packing: You now can pack a shoebox online. A few clicks will allow you to select toys and other fun items for your box, as well as include a letter and photo to delight the heart of a child. You’ll even be able to follow your box to see where in the world it ends up.
  • Donating: Is packing a shoebox not your thing? No worries. One of the simplest ways to help is by making a donation.
READ: Topeka area drop-off sites for Operation Christmas Child


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