Gov. Ron DeSantis encourages Christians to be bold in defending truth
Christians should put on the full armor of God and stand firm for what is right, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis told a group of Christian attorneys this week.
“I appreciate what you’re doing, because I know you face blowback,” he told the Alliance Defending Freedom Summit on Religious Liberty. “I know the media smears. I know that you take on cases that are not popular with certain segments of our elite institutions. God bless you for being willing to do it.
“I just would say whether you’re doing legal battles, whether you’re a judge, whether you’re an elected official, stand firm for what’s right, put on the full armor of God. Take a stand against the left’s schemes. Take up the shield of faith. You’re gonna face flaming arrows — that’s guaranteed — but stand strong. Hold the line, and don’t ever, ever back down.”
DeSantis also addressed the subject of churches being closed during the pandemic.
“You had places throughout this country where churches were closed but strip clubs were open or liquor stores were open,“ he said. “ You tell me how that makes any sense whatsoever. And so I think this idea of certain things being essential or not, honestly, is something that we’ve got to throw in the trash can.”
Wokeness dominates academia, media, corporate America and big tech, DeSantis said, but it has little support outside of those aspects of society.
“And so if you stand up for what’s right, they may want to chirp at you,” he said. “But if you stand, you’re standing on behalf of a huge, huge silent majority of Americans who may not have access to those high commanding heights of some of our elite institutions but who have strength in numbers and who understand common sense.”
In June he spoke to another group.
“It ain’t going to be easy,” he said. “You got to be strong. You got to put on the full armor of God. You got to take a stand — take a stand against the left’s schemes. You got to stand your ground. You got to be firm. You will face flaming arrows, but take up the shield of faith and fight on.”
–Alan Goforth | Metro Voice