One year after Rush Limbaugh died, his words remain as powerful as ever
Rush Limbaugh died one year ago, on Feb. 17, 2021. Longtime listeners often wonder what he would think about the issues in the news today. Limbaugh made it a point to say not everyone on the left was bad and not everyone on the right was good. He singled out radical leftism as opposed to your grandma’s Democrat Party. He also didn’t hold back on some Republican leaders whom he often thought sought power over principle.
Although no one knows for sure what his thoughts in 2022 would be, Fox News shared five insights that Limbaugh’s supporters say remain as true as ever.
Know your opponent. Rush’s core mission (besides attracting an immense audience so he could charge confiscatory advertising rates as he would laugh) was to give his listeners an ideological understanding of political opponents on both sides of the political aisle.
Page one of Leftism 101: Silence dissent. Everywhere and always. The left has no interest in engaging in the arena of ideas. Liberals despise the very notion of political opposition; that we have time and space in the United States of America “to say whatever we want,” as Bill Clinton put it in 1994, ticks them off to no end. Freedom is their greatest nemesis; control of speech is the means to all their ends: accruing power.
Reject the premise. Many of the left use accusations and attacks based on unstated premises: Conservatives are the problem; America is the problem. Learn to instantly and instinctively turn the tables, as Rush did. Leftists used to call Rush “dangerous.” The unstated premise was that being dangerous to liberalism was bad. They expected the accusation would put Rush on defense. But he embraced that he was indeed a threat — to their dominance: “They call me the most dangerous man in America. Know why? Because I am.”
Use your power. The radical left may appear invincible, but it exerts control based on a currency of deception, manipulation, corrupt bargains. The power we have is unassailable, and it is built on invisible things: Truth. Joy. Common sense. Humor. Love. Gratitude. Faith. These qualities answer to a higher authority, and the left has no counter to them.
Never forget we are the many. Rush connected us, his most important bequest to us, and we will never again believe the lie that we are weak and scattered and powerless and fringe. They are the few. Flexing our strengths — especially the power of the truth — drives them into hysterics.
Have no fear. Radical leftists are bullies who are terrified of fearless, cheerful people who know they’re right. Those who, like Rush, truly grasp the pathetic nature of leftism exude confidence, even glee. Never, ever buy into the temptation to despair that our situation is hopeless. This is the left’s most oft-used deception, wanting you to preemptively surrender without a fight. Optimism is an intellectual choice, and good cheer is the blessing that follows. Happy warriors never surrender.
Stay on offense. Be relentless. Because it has no moral foundation, the radical left’s “power” is ephemeral — when fought, it will deflate like a souffle and come crashing down like the Berlin Wall. Follow Rush’s model and laugh at them every day.
In the same way Rush was “the most dangerous man in America,” embrace the truth that we are the most dangerous people in America — to the left. They may at the moment control the institutions, the levers of power and much of the media, but we have them surrounded. And they know it.
–Alan Goforth | Metro Voice