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Biden Administration waged “propaganda” war for COVID vaccine, says Judicial Watch which obtained documents

Judicial Watch just uncovered a major document about the Biden administration’s propaganda effort to push the COVID vaccines.

We received 249 pages of records from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) detailing extensive media plans for a propaganda campaign.

Tom Fitton | President, Liberty Watch

We received the records in response to an August 2021 FOIA lawsuit we filed after HHS failed to respond to an April 19, 2021 request for records related to the Biden HHS’ “COVID-19 Community Corps” program (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (No. 1:22-cv-02315)).

We asked for all records regarding the application process; all organizations asking to be chosen to participate; all grants; and all communications of representatives of the Department of Health and Human Services regarding the program.

The newly released records include a document titled “PEC [Public Education Campaign] Plan April 19 -May 31 [2021],” which includes the following media plans and action items:

Major [Public Education] Projects in April

Sample Ad
  • Vaccine engagement package to all entertainment talent and management agencies
  • Vaccine engagement package to all media companies and show producers
  • Outreach to major culture event producers
  • Outreach with WCDT [likely We Can Do This] brand and engagement ideas to major businesses and associations
  • Launch Community Corps Business Chapter
  • Start celebrity Share the Mics


POTUS May 1-31

  • Late night hosts vaccination video.


Additional Ideas to be Considered

Digital Media

  • Produce HHS question-and-answer videos featuring local Black doctors discussing the vaccines, how they work, and why the public should get vaccinated
  • Request that Tom Brady create a video with his parents encouraging vaccination (his parents had COVID last year and he has talked about their tough recovery).
  • Create custom partnerships with the social media platforms with algorithms to hit the audience.
  • Launch Hollywood comedy writers video content.


  • Work with YouTube on an original special about vaccinations targeted to young people (similar to the YouTube’s Dear Call of 2020 special).
  • Work with Instagram to produce a series about vaccines for @Instagram (the largest social media account in the world, 387 million followers). Feature young creators doing in-depth pieces about young people’s questions. Request a Stories Highlight on Vaccines on @Instagram to stay on the account through 2021.
  • Request major TikTok, Snapchat and Instagram influences to create videos of themselves being vaccinated and start a special campaign of funny and/or musical videos about being vaccinate to encourage others to create content and post.

Earned Media

  • Request a vaccination special on Christian Broadcast Network featur[ing] Evangelical leaders.
  • Request that the major live TV entertainment shows feature hosts being vaccinated on air (ex: the hosts of The Voice).
  • Request that the TV morning and daytime talk shows feature special vaccination reunion moments with everyday Americans talking about what this means to them (ex: hugging grandma for the first time).
  • Convene an editorial meeting with the publishers of Catholic newspapers and newsletters across the country (ex: America Magazine, Florida Catholic, The Catholic Spirit, The Tablet).
  • Biden interview with Chip and Joanna Gaines for Magnolia.
  • Request vaccination specials with BET, The Undefeated, Desus & Mero, Sneaker Shopper Hot Ones.
  • Request a vaccination special With Christian Broadcasting Netflix and Evangelical leaders.
  • Place a trusted messenger on the Joe Rogan Show and Barstool Sports to promote vaccination (work with outside expert to identify who will be most effective).


  • Work with the NFL, NASCAR, MLB, CMA to request they create content with their talent and release through their broadcast and social channels.  Also create a Share the Mic program where the talent elevates public health voices.
  • Work with all major sports leagues to send vaccination information to ticket holders
  • Work with ESPN for hosts to provide vaccination information.
  • Partner with Disneyland Parks for vaccination events when the amusement parks reopen.
  • Work with the Hollywood guilds to work vaccination messaging into scriped and reality TV shows (ex: Writers Guild, Directors Guild.)

These records show a disturbing and massive campaign by the Biden administration to propagandize and politicize the controversial COVID vaccine. It seems as if the entire entertainment industry was an agent for the government!

–Tom Fitton | Judicial Watch

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