Parkville Women’s Clinic Provides Support for Unplanned Pregnancies

Ava* is a young, unmarried woman without a high school degree. Her baby’s father was in basic military training out of the state with graduation in a month. She was living with her emotionally distant father who required her to pay for all her living expenses. She was employed in a minimum-wage job with the goal of being independent.
At her initial appointment, a pregnancy test, STI (Sexually Transmitted Infection) testing, and an ultrasound were performed. Ava was visibly pregnant. She told the nurse that she “just had kind of denied” that she was pregnant for a while. The ultrasound indicated Ava was around 27 weeks along, due in less than 3 months. She was shocked to hear that the baby was coming so soon.
Following the ultrasound, Ava spoke with the client advocate, Clare. She shared that she had stopped going to online high school with only a few classes before graduation to work and save money for her baby. Clare encouraged her to finish and provided information for an online school to obtain her GED faster. Ava seemed very relieved to finally get to discuss her pregnancy and feel that she was supported. She told Clare that she was scared to tell her father as he might kick her out. Clare was able to provide the resources for a pregnancy home, if needed, and helped her with obtaining medical insurance and an OB/GYN provider.
Ava returned to the clinic and shared she had begun prenatal care. Our parent education program, Smart Steps, was also discussed and Ava accepted and signed up for the classes to earn free diapers, baby clothes, or other baby products. Ava shared that the baby’s father will support her and their baby. Ava was also pursuing her GED!
Parkville Women’s Clinic has continued to communicate with Ava through the Smart Steps program and follow-up texting. We were so happy to hear that Ava gave birth to a healthy baby girl in June. She returned to the clinic with her beautiful child to receive a welcome baby bag filled with necessary baby supplies. Ava needed some support and encouragement along the way. Parkville Women’s Clinic wants to provide that for every woman who needs it.
* Name changed for privacy.
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