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Christians support Israel against Hamas, but fewer say Bible influenced opinion

A majority of U.S. Christians support Israel in the war against Hamas, although only one in four say the Bible has influenced their opinions about the Jewish state, according to a new Lifeway Research survey.

Half of self-identified Christians say the United States is doing the right amount to help Israel,16 percent say it’s not doing enough and 26 percent say it’s doing too much. On another question, 88 percent of Christians believe that Israel has the “right to determine its own statehood and government.” However, far fewer Christians say the Bible influences their thoughts on the subject, despite the strong ties between some faith groups and Israel.

christians israel

When asked what has influenced their opinions about Israel, 56 percent of Christians cited the media; 27 percent the Bible; 26 percent friends and family; and 13 percent “personal experiences with Jews.” When asked what has influenced their opinion the most, 44 percent answered the media and 17 percent said the Bible.

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“American Christians have been following the war between Israel and Hamas, and two-thirds of those who attend church most often say their church has prayed for peace in Israel,” said Scott McConnell, executive director of Lifeway Research. “While a majority of American Christians support military action by Israel now, a much larger group believe lasting peace must come by mutual agreement of Palestinians and Israelis.”

Three-fourths of Christians believe Hamas is “an extremist group that is isolated from most other Arabs who live in Israel and neighboring countries.” Eight in 10 say they support the goal of a “two-state solution in which two states exist, Israel and Palestine, that are self-governing with national borders that are respected by all.” Nearly half strongly agree with the statement, and 88 percent agree that “lasting peace in the region requires a mutually agreed upon political solution between Israel and Palestinians.”

–Alan Goforth | Mv


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