
Homeless Ministry Celebrates 10 Years Serving Needy

Hope Faith Ministries (HFM), an equipping day center that serves the needs of the homeless and less fortunate in Kansas City, is celebrating its 10-year anniversary in 2014.

Founded by a small group of individuals from the United Methodist Church of the Resurrection in Leawood, the organization started by serving meals to as many as 800 homeless individuals each week. Ten years later, HFM serves 3,000 – 4,000 people weekly that have spent the night at a nearby shelter, out on the streets or at a neighborhood campground.

“Everyone involved with Hope Faith Ministries is marking 2014 as a year of celebration and gratitude.

“Those that have blazed the trail to get us to where we are today are to be commended for their valiant hard work and dedication to be a positive force in the community for the homeless,” said Duane Skjervem, executive director of Hope Faith Ministries.

Over the years, HFM has expanded the services they offer so that today, not only do they provide the essentials of food, shelter and clothing but they collaborate with dozens of agencies throughout Kansas City, assisting the homeless to find jobs, housing and needed government assistance. A free medical clinic and life skills classes enable the homeless to receive desperately needed medical attention and improve their skills so that they can more easily find a path from homelessness to self-sufficiency, from dependence to independence. Other services include showers, laundry services, haircuts and a shave at the barber shop, transportation, storage of belongings and personal mail and phone services.

Community donations of furnishings and household items allow HFM to help families move into an apartment, furnished with the essentials.

The premier program at HFM is their “Transitional Internship Program” where at any given time, over 40 individuals receive transitional housing and a personal mentor to help them navigate their way from the streets to employment and then on to independent living.

The 10-year grand milestone will be formally celebrated on Saturday, March 29 at their “Moonlight Masquerade Benefit Gala” to be held at the Overland Park Convention Center.

The Apartment Association of Kansas City is co-sponsoring this event. KMBC’s anchor, Len Jennings will serve as master of ceremonies for the evening that includes an auction, dinner and dancing. For info visit www.hopefaithministries.org or call 816.471.4673, ext. 100.


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