Actor Kirk Cameron encourages Christians to help create culture of life at Vitae Foundation Kansas City event

Americans concerned that the nation is on the wrong track can look back to the Pilgrims for guidance, actor Kirk Cameron says.
“They wrote the Mayflower Compact, which became the seed for the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, giving us the framework to become the freest, strongest and most generous nation on the planet,” he said. “They did something that was unique in the world and produced liberty like the world has never experienced.”
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Cameron, best known for the role of Mike Seaver on the 1980s hit television show “Growing Pains,” was keynote speaker for the Vitae Foundation’s Kansas City pro-life event on October 21. His latest feature film, “Lifemark,” is about the value of life in the womb and the beauty of adoption. Cameron and his wife, Chelsea, have been married for 31 years and have six children, several of whom were adopted.
The founders built the foundation for a successful nation, but also warned what could happen if first principles were abandoned, Cameron said.
“They also understood the selfishness of the human heart and recognized that if we ever got away from the essential principles that they laid down to begin with, we would lose our liberty and maybe even lose our lives,” he said. “They left for us the ingredients — what I like to call the secret sauce — for a great nation.
“How many of you think we need to get back to these values in the United States of America? There is hope and a way out for our country. There is a strategy that these men and women of faith encouraged.”
The Vitae Foundation is building on these founding ideals of faith and liberty. The national non-profit organization, based in Jefferson City, leads the world in its research of abortion decision making; tests its findings using digital media campaigns; and shares best practices at no cost to pro-life peers worldwide to encourage a culture of life.
“Vitae is driven by its love for God and his word, which says children are knit together in their mother’s womb and are precious,” Cameron said. “The greatest battle we face in our culture today is the slaughter of millions of innocent children in the womb, who could be growing up to be our sons and daughters, our wives and husbands and the future leaders of our country.
“Because of Vitae’s research-based work, they are influencing and transforming the hearts and minds of people, including those in the halls of Congress and legislatures who are making good decisions, challenging bad laws and seeing them overturned, and establishing good laws. And they are educating people through their research-based messaging to value and create a culture of life.”
Christian have an opportunity help chart a new course for the nation by voting for pro-life candidates on November 8. Cameron also encourages them to invest their time, talent and treasure in the cause of life.
“I wake up a lot in the middle of the night wondering what is happening to our country and our children,” he said. “Sometimes the problems seem so overwhelming. We have an opportunity to lean into the work that God is doing through Vitae.
“What has God asked you to do? Some of you are wealthy. Some of you are prayer warriors. Some of you are volunteering your time. Some of you are doing all kinds of creative things that I would never be able to do. Whatever God has placed on your heart to do, do it with all of your heart.”
The money, awards and fame that Cameron has earned from acting pale in comparison to what matters most, he believes.
“You and I will leave a legacy,” he said. “I want to hear, `Well done, my good and faithful servant’ from God. Nothing else will matter to me on that day, and I don’t think anything else will matter to you, either. We never make the wrong decision when we lean in with generosity and give to others for their sake with nothing in return. This is our chance to put feet to our faith and make the difference we so desperately need.”
For more information or to support the ongoing work of the Vitae Foundation, visit, call (573) 634-4316 or email
–Alan Goforth | Metro Voice News