Respect Life

Advice & Aid Pregnancy Centers: fighting the battle, one life at a time

How do you battle abortion one life at a time? Through the compassionate care of pregnancy resource centers like Advice & Aid Pregnancy Centers in Overland Park and Shawnee.

Ministries like Advice & Aid are helping women daily, who are facing an unplanned pregnancy, with truth and grace so they can make a decision they can live with for the rest of their lives. Like Anna, a 28-year-old married woman and mother of a toddler who never imagined she would consider abortion until an unplanned pregnancy became her reality. This is her story

“In February, I realized I was pregnant. I felt like my whole world collapsed. It was the worst news at this moment in my life. I felt like it wasn’t the right time because I had plans for my life. I didn’t realize what God wanted.

I looked on line for abortion options. I found a clinic but the cost was too high and we didn’t have that kind of money. So, I decided to keep searching and found Advice & Aid Pregnancy Centers.

I went to their website and began reading about abortion. I didn’t see the part where it says they do not do abortions. My husband and I went the next day. I told the receptionist that I wanted information about abortion. I felt like my entire body was shaking because of the decision I was planning to take.

We met with a client advocate, told her our situation, and that we definitely wanted to have an abortion.

She asked us many questions, and slowly but surely we began to realize we were at a place that was not going to help me get what I wanted. The client advocate touched our hearts and helped us realize that the decision to abort was not the best option. She also helped us understand that though I felt like my life was falling apart right now, God had allowed this pregnancy to happen and he had a purpose for it even if I didn’t understand it at this time.

That day I felt God’s mercy over me. That day, I simply arrived at the right place, at the right time, and I met with the right person. When we left that day, my husband and I cried as we repented and we couldn’t stop giving God thanks for leading us to this place because if we had not gone to Advice & Aid, I think we would have aborted our child.”

Advice & Aid Pregnancy Centers offers confidential services and programs at no cost to those we serve. For more information contact us at 913-962-0200 or visit us at

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