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Alliance for Life assists organizations working for the unborn

Now more than ever, the fight for the lives of the unborn has waged into a widescale war. An administration that does not believe in the sanctity of human life, courts that don’t protect the innocent, and a public that has decided the lives of the unborn do not matter have made the womb one of the most dangerous places to be.

Across Missouri – and even beyond – life organizations (comprised of pregnancy help centers, maternity homes, adoption centers, and post-abortion recovery sites) are hard at work rescuing those most vulnerable.

For 20 years, Alliance for Life has networked together more than 70 of these life organizations across Missouri and beyond. Our mission is to equip people, empower organizations and engage communities to help create a culture of life in their area. We work directly with these life partners, providing training, support, and education as they work in their respective areas to help those around them choose life.

We also assist life organizations state-wide in obtaining valuable grants and scholarships that allow them to reach many vulnerable women, men, and families. We know that impacting our nation for the cause of life often begins at the state legislative level, so we make it a point to be in our state’s capital at least one time a year, bringing awareness to legislators of the mighty work being done to save the lives of the unborn and reach families across the state.

We know that alone, our fight for the unborn is difficult and daunting. However, by providing a network of unified voices across the state, we bring advocacy and advancement to the LIFE movement resulting in strength in numbers that creates impact.

There are many ways that we could use you as we work to support life organizations all across Missouri and beyond. For ways that you can get involved, helping us to directly provide assistance to those who are saving lives, visit.

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–Alliance for Life

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