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Billy Graham internet ministry marks 10 years, millions saved

Search for Jesus, the internet evangelism ministry of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, marked a milestone this month as it reached its 10th year of reaching the world online.

In 2012, Search for Jesus was launched as a ministry where website users could not only find the truth of the gospel but also interact with trained volunteers to ask questions or to be discipled. Today, websites have had more than 100 million visitors.

“This is significant, because we’re following Billy Graham’s legacy of spreading the gospel across the globe using every opportunity we have,” said Mark Appleton, director of internet evangelism for the association. “The average person spends nearly seven hours a day on the internet, so we want to meet these people where they are. Search for Jesus has given us the chance to spread the gospel like never before.”

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Billy Graham, perhaps the nation’s most famous, and beloved, Christian leader.

In addition to giving visitors the opportunity to read and respond to a gospel presentation, the ministry also helps new believers grow in their faith. Search for Jesus relies on a network of more than 1,400 trained volunteers who chat live with users and answer questions. The ministry also offers digital discipleship courses created especially for new believers and an online church locator tool to get users plugged into a local church.

Over the past decade, more than three million people have indicated a decision for Christ and received follow-up through Search for Jesus. Since the launch of Search for Jesus back in 2012, it has expanded to seven languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, Arabic, American sign language and Russian.

“We started building this ministry one step at a time, taking steps of obedience and faith in God,” Appleton said. “These people aren’t just numbers but real, hurting men and women who finally found hope.”

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