Black Conservative Summit to address family breakdown
Ben Carson, the famed neurosurgeon and former secretary of Housing and Urban Development, will headline the upcoming Black Conservative Summit.
The summit’s theme, “How to Fix Black America,” will serve as “a constant reminder that America is “one nation under God, indivisible,” said Eric Wallace, Ph.D., a black scholar and former Republican candidate for the Illinois Senate.
“Right now, race, gender and new science are being weaponized to challenge the status quo of American values,” he said. “This radical liberal ideology is infiltrating our churches, our schools and our socio-political institutions at every level.”
The Mach 2023 event will come after voters head to the polls in the midterm elections, giving political observers a key barometer of the mood of the country – particularly black voters. The summit will focus on conservative priorities, including “responsible government, individual liberty, economic empowerment and family values.”
“The traditional nuclear family in the United States — whether red, yellow, black, brown or white — is under attack from an extreme liberal agenda,” summit organizers said. They cite critical race theory, Black Lives Matter and the promotion of unrestricted abortion and gender fluidity as major threats to the traditional family and the cause of many problems facing black communities.
“Many of the problems facing the black community in America, including high crime and incarceration rates, stem not from racism but from the rise of welfare and the disintegration of the traditional nuclear family,” said Bob Woodson, founder of the Woodson Center. He and his wife, Jennifer, both will speak at the summit.
“We believe that in order to minimize black confrontation with police and reduce abortion clinic visits, school dropout rates, incarceration and illicit drug use among blacks, we must focus on combatting the dysfunction and disintegration of the black family,” she said. “The family serves as the center for social, educational, economic and spiritual life to build strong bonds among the generations and to pass on a way of life that has transcendent meaning. Unless the Lord builds the house, we labor in vain.”
Polls show that Black Americans are leaving the Democrat Party in high numbers. In 2020, Donald Trump received a record number of Black votes and President Joe Biden’s approval rating remains at record low levels among people of color.
–Dwight Widaman | Metro Voice