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Candidate Saundra McDowell thanks God after losing

Saundra McDowell has posted a heart-felt thanks to God and her supporters after she lost her bid to become Missouri State Auditor. Mero Voice is sharing her letter, which she posted to Facebook this evening, with our readers.

Saundra’s Letter

As most of you know, I did not win Tuesday night. I didn’t get to make a speech that night since the results did not finish coming in until very late so I wanted to say a few words here about my campaign for Missouri State Auditor.

First, I want to thank God. I have continually stated my entire campaign that I was doing this because God called me to run for State Auditor at this time. Win or lose, God was in control! Thank you to a friend for sending this verse: “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” 2 Timothy‬ ‭4:7‬.

Next, I want to thank my family. My husband, Jonathan McDowell, is an amazing man. He has been strong, supportive, and encouraging for me every step of this campaign. He has been my rock and the core of our family. He has been a tremendous leader for my family and in my campaign. I am so grateful that he is my husband and that we get to spend the rest of our lives together. I love you Jonathan!

We are so proud of of our five children and are so blessed to have the family we have. We have no medical issues to deal with and have very smart little babies!! We are tremendously blessed!! I’m enjoying being home with them right now.

It meant so much to me to have my father with me on the night of the election. He has been with me at every major event in my life: my military graduation; my college graduation; my wedding; the births of all of my children; and more. I’m thankful for his teaching and guidance throughout my life. I was also blessed to have my aunt and uncle with me for the election results. My family loves me and cares about me so much. Thank you to all our other family and close friends who’ve been with us every step of the way.

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Thank you to all of my amazing supporters who worked so hard and gave so much of their time and efforts to my campaign. I met so many wonderful people on the campaign trail and I’m blessed to now call many of them my friends. I am so grateful for all of the support and encouraging words I’ve received since Tuesday. Thank you all for keeping me in your thoughts and prayers.

I am so grateful for all the prayers around the state. Over the past nine months, I couldn’t even attempt to count all of the people who said they were praying for me!! I don’t think very many people know how it feels to have people across an entire state praying for them. I do… and it is very humbling.

Thanks to my campaign team that worked so hard on such a small budget, most not taking any pay for their efforts. It’s truly humbling to have people come along side you and believe in you so much to volunteer to get you elected to office. I will never forget what each of you did for this campaign.

Finally, thank you to the voters of the great State of Missouri. It has been my honor to be your Republican nominee for Missouri State Auditor. I know you, like me, are fed up with the corruption and fraud across the state and the misuse of our taxpayer dollars! Thank you for believing in me and my Every Dollar Works plan that would have brought back trust and transparency to state government. I do not know what my next steps are yet, but I will keep you posted. “In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps.” Proverbs‬ ‭16:9‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Thank you and may God bless the wonderful people of Missouri.

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