Culture WatchNews

Cartoon Network promotes ‘pride month’ to kids

The Cartoon Network is promoting LGBT pride month by encouraging children to “stand proud.”

June has been designated “pride month” by LGBT activists across who have entered into an agreement with the network to reach millions of kids tuning in to watch cartoons.

“We want to wish everyone a HAPPY PRIDE and encourage all of our LGBTQ+ fans to stand proud all year long!” the network, which is owned by Warner Bros., tweeted along with emojis representing a rainbow flag, heart and a unicorn.

The tweet also included a picture of characters from its popular reboot show “Powerpuff Girls.”

pride month

The tweet included the hastags “#powerpuffyourself,” “#pridemonth” and “#powerfuffgirls.”

The network bills itself as being “the best in original, acquired and classic entertainment for youth and families.” However, many parents object to media outlets pushing an agenda that contradicts their own beliefs on sexuality and marriage.

There’s quite a bit of money to be made, perhaps not from children but from adults. Cartoon Network is monetizing the pride event through its online shop and some of its cartoon characters themselves.

Last year, it is believed that Cartoon Network’s animated show “Steven Universe” became the first children’s show to feature a same-sex wedding proposal and during pride week is selling a “made of love” collection LGBT-themed apparel and memorabilia.

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