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Chief Justice John Roberts most popular person in Washington, Gallup poll finds

At a time when poll numbers for the president and vice president are drooping, Chief Justice John Roberts is the most popular person in Washington, according to a new Gallup poll. Sixty percent of Americans approve of the job he is doing, while 34 percent disapprove.

Every Democratic and Republican politician in the poll finished well below Roberts, with 46 percent approving of the job done by House Republican leader Kevin McCarthy, 40 percent approving of Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and 43 percent approving of President Biden. All three finished underwater in the poll.

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“Roberts is the only one of the leaders rated this year who receives majority approval from Republicans (57 percent) and Democrats (55 percent) in addition to political independents (64 percent),” Gallup’s Lydia Saad wrote.

Although nominated by Republican president George W. Bush, Roberts has sided with both parties in high-profile cases. Roberts voted with pro-lifers to uphold a ban on partial-birth abortion and with conservatives in multiple religious liberty cases, including one involving the Obama-era contraceptive/abortion mandate. Roberts also voted with the minority in opposing the nationwide legalization of same-sex marriage.

Roberts, though, irked conservatives by upholding Obamacare and then again by voting with the majority in a landmark case concerning employment discrimination and sexual orientation/gender identity.

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Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell finished second behind Roberts in the survey (53 percent approval), followed by Anthony Fauci (52 percent) and Secretary of State Antony Blinken (49 percent).

“Fauci’s job approval is particularly skewed by party, with a 66-percentage-point gap between Democrats’ (85 percent) and Republicans’ (19 percent) ratings,” Saad wrote.

–Alan Goforth | Metro Voice

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