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Child Evangelism Fellowship looking for summer volunteers
Warmer temperatures are a reminder that summer vacation from school is right around the corner. Child Evangelism Fellowship is looking for volunteers to help share God’s word with local youth.
Several options are available for every age group:
- CYIA stands for Christian Youth in Action ( After receiving training, CYIA and Jr. CYIA teen summer missionaries teach exciting 5-Day Clubs across the area, reaching children for Christ.
- A 5-Day Club ( is a fun-filled 90 minute club for children ages 4 to 12 held each day for five consecutive days during the summer. It includes dynamic, evangelistic Bible lessons, creative learning activities for spiritual growth, an inspiring missionary story, meaningful songs, games, life-changing scripture memorization, prizes and a snack. After training, teens serve in six 5-Day Clubs from June 22 to July 31 (as fits with their summer schedule).
- CYIA is for 9th to 12th graders (ages 14–18) and takes place on May 30 in Kansas City and June 7 to 19 at CEF international headquarters in Warrenton, Mo. The application deadline is April 24.
- Junior CYIA is for 7th to 8th graders (ages 12–13) and takes place on April 27 in Kansas City, followed by training on May 16 at Grace Bible Church in Columbia. The application deadline is April 1.
- A 5-Day Club can be held at a home, church, community center, daycare center, apartment complex, summer school program or anywhere children can safely gather. The club location host is responsible for inviting children to club (invitations provided), being present during the club time, providing a simple refreshment, and inviting unchurched club children and their families to church.
More information about these and other programs is available at