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Christians rally on Broadway to oppose antisemitism

Times Square Rally Drew Support from many in the Community, Encouraged Attendees to Say Something and Do Something.

On the same day that New York District Attorney Alvin Bragg dropped charges against many of the antisemitic protestors who ransacked Columbia University, more than 1,000 participants gathered inside the Palladium Theater in Times Square last night to rally against the global scourge of antisemitism. Chosen People Ministries alongside the Alliance for the Peace of Jerusalem hosted the event to confront and combat this dangerous rising tide of bigoted hatred through education, solidarity, and prayer.

The rally featured insightful speakers, worship, and teaching designed to raise awareness about the dangers of antisemitism and empower attendees to take meaningful action in their communities. From exploring the historical roots of antisemitism to examining its modern manifestations, participants gained valuable insights into combatting this age-old hatred.


Master of ceremonies Mitch Glaser, Ph.D. and president of Chosen People Ministries, set the tone for the evening, reminding attendees of the Oct. 7 massacre in Israel, but also of many other antisemitic attacks and acts of violence in recent years. “It is imperative for us as believers to take a stand against antisemitism in all its forms both here in the U.S. and worldwide,” he said. “The God of Israel has promised to preserve His people and we are here tonight to celebrate that promise and His faithfulness to Jewish people and to all of us. We serve a great God who is faithful to keep His promises, and we can work together to stop the hate.”

Local pastor Dr. A.R. Bernard, senior pastor of Brooklyn’s Christian Cultural Center, shared about the history of antisemitism and other forms of racism as stemming from a twisted hermeneutic – an ideologically driven misinterpretation of Scripture. “This distorted hermeneutic has often been employed to justify and perpetuate systems of oppression. We need a modern biblical reassessment, a theological reflection that challenges the status quo,” he said. “We’ve come a long way but there are many things that still need to change. And that change begins when people are not afraid to use their voice and platform to speak the truth. Even a small number of individuals when united in purpose, faith and action can bring about significant change,” he encouraged.

Michael Brown, PhD, contributor, a Jewish believer and prolific author, and host of The Line of Fire radio program, spoke to the satanic roots of antisemitism. He explained that Jews have been hated universally throughout history for four reasons:

  • God chose the Jewish people for a special mission which Satan wants to thwart
  • God has guaranteed the Jewish people’s ongoing existence, so Satan seeks their annihilation
  • God promised the land of Israel to the Jewish people, so Satan wants to drive them out
  • The Messiah is returning to a Jewish Jerusalem, so Satan wants it out of Jewish hands

“However, the purposes of God will stand and Satan will be defeated in Yeshua’s name!” he concluded.

Anglican pastor Mark Leach and his daughter Freya, who have launched the “Never Again is Now” movement, reminded attendees of the post-Holocaust era when people pledged to never again allow such evil. After organizing rallies and getting media attention for their efforts, the Jewish people have expressed their thanks. “I just did what any decent person would do,” Mark responded, yet he’s learned that so many don’t. Many Christian churches are reminding him of 1930s German Christians looking the other way. “What would our Jewish Jesus think of that?” he asked. He’s calling believers to stand with Jews and say, “If they are going to come for you, they have to come through us first.”

“We are seeing ghosts of the pogroms past in our cities, and that’s why we started ‘Never again is Now;’ something had to be done,” Freya added. “We are called to love our neighbors, and if we believe that, we need to put it into action. Our example is Jesus, who laid down his life for us. What are we willing to do?”

Israeli musicians Joshua Aaron and Yaron Cherniak, alongside American worship leader Aaron Shust, led the crowd in songs of praise and consecration, including in Hebrew. Shust shared an especially meaningful song he had originally crafted last summer as a joyful prayer for the peace of Jerusalem based on Psalm 122. After Oct. 7, the song became a more mournful tune calling on God as the guardian of Jerusalem to bring deliverance to His people, and Shust dedicated its performance to the Israeli hostages. Josha Aaron’s daughter currently serves in the Israeli Defense Forces and his son will begin service in August. He led another heartfelt song based on Psalm 137, changing the lyrics from “Bring us back,” to “Bring them back,” in prayer for those still held captive.

Glaser concluded the evening with a reminder of Albert Einstein’s powerful quote: “If I were to remain silent, I’d be guilty of complicity.” In Glaser’s words, “It’s not just ‘say something and do something,’ but if you don’t say something, you’re doing something wrong. If you choose to be an enemy of the Jewish people, you are raising your hand against God Himself.” He listed specific ways people can say and do something:

  • Pray for the Jewish people and encourage churches and congregations to pray at a main service
  • Speak out against local acts of antisemitism (and don’t expect anyone else to do it)
  • Take action through public demonstrations, rallies, lectures and social media in support of the Jewish community (respond digitally when you see antisemitism expressed online)
  • Demonstrate support for Jewish students on local college campuses (talk to administrators if you have students there)
  • Support Jewish friends and visit a local synagogue to let them know “I am praying for your safety.” (make it personal)

Glaser also announced the launch of an Israel Benevolence Fund to help those in need, with 100 % of the funds going to those who are suffering in Israel. Chosen People Ministries will also be working with Moody Bible Institute to host the Courage Conference in August to equip college students for opposing antisemitism on campus.

“All racial hatred is antithetical to biblical teaching,” Glaser concluded. “The promise of God’s blessing for those who bless Israel is for everyone. We have no choice but to love and care for all of God’s children.”

–Tom Campisi

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