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City Union Mission benefit ride to include vintage cars

City Union Mission will celebrate the 30th anniversary of their signature fundraiser, Bikers With a Mission (BWAM) Benefit Ride, on Sunday, May 5, 2019. The Retro Ride themed event welcomes both motorcycles and vintage cars to participate. Registration is now open for the benefit ride which helps raise funds in support of the Mission’s programs and services to assist the hungry, homeless and near-homeless families and individuals in our community.

“For thirty years, God has used BWAM to unite our community and bring hope to homeless men, women and children,” said City Union Mission Executive Director Dan Doty. “Each year, He brings together like-minded bikers who share a heart for our homeless neighbors to enjoy a day of fun and make a collective impact on the lives of those we serve. With the addition of vintage car enthusiasts at this year’s event, we’ll be able to connect even more people who share a mutual compassion for the homeless.”

More than 300 riders – motorcycles and vintage cars alike – are expected to attend the event, which begins at 8 a.m. with a breakfast of coffee, bagels and donuts at City Union Mission. The ride concludes at Camp CUMCITO in Warsaw, MO with lunch, testimonies and a brief program.

Doty also notes that the date of BWAM, which normally takes place in early June, has been changed as a way to pay tribute to their event roots. “Our Retro Ride will take place the first Sunday in May, the same date the event was held 30 years ago. We also hope to raise $30,000 at this event in honor of our 30th anniversary of serving.”

Event proceeds go towards non-budgeted expenses for the poor and homeless. Each year, there are important items purchased with BWAM funds including medications, eyeglasses, bus tokens for job interviews, utility assistance, baby formula and nursery supplies. The Mission encourages peer-to-peer fundraising, which is a great way to get friends and family to sponsor a rider and participate in this worthy cause.

All motorcycle and vintage car enthusiasts from the metro and surrounding areas are invited to participate. Participants register online at at a cost of $35 per rider and $30 per passenger. Riders and passengers can also register at the event between 8 a.m. and 9 a.m.

Additional information is available at, on the Bikers With A Mission Facebook page, or by emailing A complete description of City Union Mission’s programs and services is available online at

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