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Clarence Thomas decries impact of cancel culture on college campuses

Cancel culture is taking a heavy toll on college campuses, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas said in a speech last week.

“If you can’t do it on a university campus, where do you learn civility?” he asked, according to “The Christian Post.”

“Where do you learn to disagree without being disagreeable? I’m afraid that we have, particularly in this world of cancel culture and attack, I don’t know where you’re going to learn to engage as we did when I grew up.”

Thomas made the comments during a speech in Utah hosted by the Orrin G. Hatch Foundation. The lack of civility displayed by students in college, Thomas said, will continue in their careers in legislatures and courts. They then will resort to tribalism and yelling,.

At 72, Thomas is the second-oldest member of the court and will become the oldest upon the retirement of Stephen Breyer, who is set to step down at the end of this term. Thomas was confirmed by the Senate in 1991.

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Individuals who hold traditional views on abortion and the family, Thomas said, often stay quiet so as not to draw antagonism. He said he doesn’t enjoy going to college campuses because it’s “not fun.” In the past, he said, people on opposing sides of an issue would exchange ideas but remain friends.

“Now it’s people who actually seem quite full of themselves,” he said. “Now it’s sort of this animus develops if you disagree.”

He’s worried about the future of the country.

“My fear isn’t for me,” Thomas said. “But it is for your kids and your grandkids and the next generation. What are we going to leave them? Are we leaving them a mess, or are we leaving them a country? Are we leaving them chaos, or are we going to leave them a court?”

–Alan Goforth | Metro Voice

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