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Compassion and care for women, babies top Kansas legislative agenda

The pro-life movement in Kansas is promoting a legislative agenda this year that encompasses true compassion and life-affirming care for women and their children. We understand the difficult circumstances many pregnant women and their families face and pledge to walk with them on their journey to choosing life.

Jeanne Gawdun, Kansans for Life

In 2023, pro-lifers promised not to abandon moms and babies. To that end, the state legislature successfully overrode three vetoes by the governor to create a $2 million Alternatives to Abortion fund for pregnancy resource centers and maternity homes, protect infants who are born-alive after an abortion, and inform women of the possibility of saving their babies by reversing their chemical abortions.

Compassion and care in 2024 means we will work with state legislators to establish pro-life tax policies that can relieve some of the expense of having and raising children, lessen the financial burdens for families who want to adopt children, and encourage more individuals and businesses to donate in support of pregnancy resource centers and maternity homes.

Compassion and care includes knowing the reasons why women choose abortion and working to promote public policies that offer life-affirming options for them and their babies.

READ: State pro-life rally Jan. 24 in Topeka

Compassion and care means offering pregnant women who are at risk of being coerced into having an abortion safety and assistance, and penalizing those who would intimidate or harm them.

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You can help

Please help us share this pro-life legislative agenda with your state representatives and senators. Join us at the March and Rally for Life on Wednesday, January 24 in Topeka and “Take 10”—that is, take ten minutes to meet with your legislators and encourage them to support public policies that truly help women and babies.

There will be prayer and worship services that day, a march from the Topeka Performing Arts Center to the Capitol, a rally on the south steps of the Capitol, and much more!

For the complete March and Rally for Life schedule, visit the Kansans for Life website at

–By Jeanne Gawdun, Kansans for Life Director of Government Relations


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