
Crisis counseling training helps prepare you for action

When a tragedy strikes, is your church, school or first reconsider staff prepared to offer the physical, mental and spiritual help necessary to meet the crisis?

Senseless shootings in the nation’s public schools, natural disasters and crisis’ like suicide that challenge families are stretching the resources of teachers, counselors, pastors and first responders.

“We can be prepared,” says Pastor Carroll McCarroll of Heart of America Ministries.  “Jesus has given us as believers, a great commission in Matthew 28:18-20 to Go and make disciples, and to teach, and in doing so to heal the broken-hearted.”

Heart of America, which also has an accredited Bible College and Theological Seminary, will hold a Crisis Counseling Seminar March 9-10. The church and college is located at 7600 Blue Ridge Blvd, Raytown, MO 64138. For info or to register call 816-226-7061.

Pastor McCarroll says the seminar will prepare attendees to step in and make a difference.  There are several ways you can take this Seminar, you can take it for college credit (earn 3 credit hours), you can audit the course, you can attend the seminar in person, view it on Skype or YouTube, or order CD’s/DVDs.

“What ever choice people make, we are here to equip them to be able to make a difference in their communities,” said McCarroll.

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The seminar will be led by Dr. Randall Strelluf.






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