
Don’t Get Weighed Down in Quest for Perfection

By Kharissa Forte | Metro Voice


Throughout these early years of marriage, motherhood and career, I’ve found it necessary to always — and I mean always — take care of three things:

1. My God.

2. My home.

3. Myself.

I don’t believe that a woman who prioritizes and manages her time well has to conduct her day in that precise order. In fact, I admire the pros who can carve out the appropriate amount of time anytime during her day to arrange her responsibilities in a manner that satisfies all parties involved.

But, for me, this season of my life beckons a beginner’s approach. My days are intended to be carefully crafted in their order of priority in my life.

Some days are flawless.

Kharissa Forte is a contributing editor to Metro Voice Newspaper
Kharissa Forte is a contributing editor to Metro Voice Newspaper

I wake up at 6:30, bright and early to sing praises to my Lord. My songs are followed by a prayer that offers thanks and asks for His protection over my friends and family.

I spend precious moments in His love letter to me, then I get my children up and prepare them for a pleasant day. Afterward, I’ll throw something delicious and nutritious in the slow cooker.


Work out.

…and so forth.

Most days, however, this unfathomable blend of Leave it to Beaver mom and superwoman only exists in my mind.

I don’t get up at 6:30. I get up two hours later and my morning is suddenly rushed. I find myself lost in an infinite to-do list usually curbed by a demanding son.

Next thing I know, it’s 4 pm: time to pick up my daughter from school.

I haven’t even begun to consider what’s for dinner, let alone pull something from the freezer.

But, somehow, it all still gets done. My thirst for Jesus is quenched. Everyone eats.

And, even if there’s a chore or two… or five that remain undone, I still can rest well when I hit the pillow at night because I know I did my best.

It’s these days that I am reminded that it’s not about perfection. It’s about practice.

Grace in the moment pardons our imperfections and carves out a space of ease where you and I can take a deep breath and smile because it really is going to be okay.

Yes, we are strong creatures, you and I as women, but — as much as I hate to admit it — we have to realize that we are not strong enough to wear every hat God has given us without stumble.

But, He is.

You can do all things through Christ that strengthens you (Philippians 4:13). You really can. Because it’s His strength, not your own, that enables you to do so.

I believe Francesca Battistelli said it best in the chorus of her song, Free to be Me:

“I got a couple dents in my fender.

Got a couple rips in my jeans.

Try to fit the pieces together,

but perfection is my enemy.

On my own, I’m so clumsy,

but on Your shoulders I can see

I’m free to be me.”

And you, girlfriend, are free to be you — the you that God created you to be.

Not the infallible, unfailing you that lives in your mind. The one that weighs you down day after day when you try to be her. The you that isn’t really you at all, but a jacked up hyper-you born from fantasy and unrealistic portrayals of women we see on TV and movies.

That “you” must die so the real you can live.

Let’s pledge right now, you and me together, to stop allowing ourselves to get weighed down by the oppression of perfection. Let’s vow to simply do our best and encompass the fact that our best is enough in His eyes.

If He said I can be a wife, mother and career girl and still manage to just be a woman, too, who I am to tell Him that I can’t?

Consider your own roles and responsibilities. You can do it. His strength says so.


–Kharissa Forte is a wife and mother of two. She received her journalism degree from UMKC and has a passion for health and fitness, young couples, and relationships among women.

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