End-times author cautious about future uses of artificial intelligence
The growth of artificial intelligence may be a double-edged sword for Christians, end-times author Jeff Kinley said.
“One of the biggest concerns is that it replaces human intelligence,” he says “We are moving as a society toward replacing humanity in just about every way possible — replacing human labor, human thought, human writing, trying to pretty much put humanity to the margins of the narrative here. But the thing about AI that’s so frightening or potentially frightening is that there’s talk of this bioengineering, these nanorobots implanting within humanity.”
The eschatological expert said the idea the people would essentially have an interface or be intermingled with technology in such a way is deeply troubling, particularly when it comes to surveillance and misuse. “The biggest concern about that is that humans will now, according to those experts in the field be hackable,” Kinley said. “They’ll be able to read our emotions.”
READ: Is an AI Antichrist possible?
AI: author of deception?
One of the broader issues he addressed is deception and the reality that, no matter how well-programmed AI might be, it’s not human intelligence. With people controlling these technologies, there’s a great deal of room for sweeping biases to take root.
“There’s obviously the capacity for a lot of bias in there,” Kinley said. “But also just the idea of putting out a false narrative and someone says, ‘Hey, AI must know more than me, so I’m gonna trust the AI more than the people who could be called conspiracy theorists.’”
The author was cautious about speculating too in-depth on the prophecy front, but he discussed his belief the Bible prophesies that the antichrist will eventually rise.
“There’ll be a global regime, and obviously they want to be able to trace, to track not just your economic trans transactions, but also you as well,” Kinley said. “So there could be some control issues as it relates to that.”
And with culture moving toward an obsession with emotion, Kinley expressed worries people aren’t being educated to think logically today. The rise of AI, he said, could exacerbate this crisis, pushing people to continue emoting while the systems provide a mechanical logic of sorts.
“What that does is dumbs down a populace to the point where they’re more easily manipulated and deceived,” he said.
–Alan Goforth | Metro Voice