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Faith leaders offer ‘blessing’ for new abortion clinic

Billed as an “interfaith gathering,” the Ohio Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice dedicated a new abortion clinic in Cleveland, Ohio Monday by having a United Church of Christ minister on hand give a blessing for “the sacred space of decision.”

On Nov. 9, the group will also have “faith leaders” perform a blessing of a Planned Parenthood abortion clinic in Columbus, Ohio.  The “blessing” will feature prayers, “testimonies about receiving and providing abortion care,” and a message from Rev. Susan K. Smith of Crazy Faith Ministries

Planned Parenthood of Greater Ohio released a notice titled:  “Holy Ground: Blessing the Sacred Space of Decision.”

“Anti-abortion advocates do not have the monopoly on faith or God,” the notice read. “Many faith leaders and people of faith hold that accessing and providing abortions are good and godly decisions.” reports the event description reads: “During this clinic blessing, participants will gather with local faith leaders and guests to ask for God’s blessing upon Planned Parenthood of Greater Ohio’s East Columbus Surgical facility, the abortion providers and staff, and all those who pass through the center. In celebration of conscience and moral decision making, this event will include interfaith blessings, prayers, and testimonies about receiving and providing abortion care. This clinic blessing will create space for progressive voices of faith to speak boldly in support of comprehensive reproductive health care, especially abortion.”

The organization has since removed the notice from their website.

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Ministry and pro-life leaders were quick to respond and denounce the so-called blessing of an abortion clinic.

“Shame on these so-called faith leaders who are ‘blessing’ an abortion clinic,” evangelist Franklin Graham wrote in a Facebook post.

“Can you believe that? In reality, they are ‘blessing’ murder. They are blessing actions that are against the laws of God. That would be like priests standing outside the gas chambers at Auschwitz and blessing the murder of innocent Jews. Such evil.”

“The Bible is very clear that life begins at conception. Many times the Apostle Paul spoke out against false teachers who uttered lies. And leading people to believe that murdering babies is something God would condone is an outright lie and could ultimately lead them to Hell. The Word of God says, ‘Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness…'” Graham explained.

“My prayer is that young mothers will realize the truth and look at other alternatives that do not include murder. Pray for women who might be facing that situation now, and pray for the many Christ-centered pregnancy centers around the country who are speaking the truth about abortion every day and working to save lives one at a time. Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 19:14),'” he continued.

Mark Harrington, the president of the pro-life group Created Equal said Planned Parenthood abortion practitioners kill babies at the abortion clinic in dismemberment abortions when they are nearly 5 months old.

“To suggest that God advocates for the shedding of innocent blood is blasphemous. In scripture, Satan ‘masquerades as an angel of light’ and ‘is a liar and the father of lies.’ Abortion is a frontal attack on those made in His image – human beings,” Harrington told “Authentic ministers of God oppose the killing of the preborn, they don’t promote it.”

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