Feisty & Feminine Workshop offered on interacting with Muslims

Dr. Dawlat Bishara, Dr. Safwat Bishara, and Former Kansas House Speaker Pro Tem Peggy Mast will join CWA State Director Barbara Saldivar in a frank panel discussion of how to engage authoritatively and respectfully with those with whom we would disagree. The topic for the workshop is Dispelling fear and encouraging diplomacy when interacting with those of the Muslim faith.
The workshop will be held Monday, April 30, 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m., at the Lawrence Public Library, 707 Vermont Street, Lawrence, KS. Women, men and teens are encouraged to attend.
The Bisharas came to America from Egypt over 30 years ago. They became U.S. citizens, came to Topeka, and raised three daughters. As Coptic Christians they grew up living in the same neighborhood as Muslims. They have a lot of experience on how to live peacefully but wisely with Muslim newcomers to our communities.
Peggy Mast will lay out the law that protects us in courts and agencies from other international laws that aim to override U.S. laws. She will inform on how the Muslim faith is strategically installing their laws and beliefs around the world.

The workshop is based on one of the chapters in the book Feisty & Feminine: A Rallying Call for Conservative Women by Penny Nance, CEO and President of Concerned Women for America.
“We have been called for such a time as this,” Saldivar said. “As conservative women and like-minded men, we are called to know our message and share our beliefs. CWA of Kansas has always been based on education, prayer, and then action. This Feisty & Feminine Workshop focuses on the first step, education. Participants will be taught how to engage our culture intellectually, authoritatively and respectfully on this particular issue. We want our speech to be based on facts not emotions.”
Feisty & Feminine Workshops Now Available Across the State
Workshops are available to large groups, small groups, churches, Bible study groups, community groups, mother daughter events, college groups, youth groups, in your home, in a restaurant, in a church, or in a library, Saldivar said. Topics may include the devaluation of women, marriage and true tolerance, sanctity of life, debunking the wage gap, and more.
For more information, contact Saldivar at director@kansas.cwfa.org or 785-260-5659, or visit ks.cwfa.org.