Former Mumford & Sons musician calls out cancel culture

Christian musician Winston Marshall, formerly of Mumford & Sons, has shared his frustration with the cancellation of performers who dare to challenge progressive ideology.
He made headlines in 2021 after he left the group following the uproar after he tweeted his support for a book by conservative author Andy Ngo that explored the left-wing radicalism of Antifa.
He criticized “Rolling Stone” magazine for an article attacking Oliver Anthony, a country artist who released a single called “Rich Men North of Richmond.”
“Oliver Anthony, for example, working-class guy, has this song which resonates with millions upon millions — not just in America, but across the world – of people, the left-behind working classes,” Marshall told Fox News. “And they just can’t even process it. You’re certainly seeing a massive gap between the media and the people. They’re the magazine that used to be the voice of counterculture. Now they don’t know counterculture when it slaps them in the face.”

Marshall referenced two other artists who have been targeted for their views, Irish singer Róisín Murphy and rocker Alice Cooper. Murphy, the former lead singer for the band Moloko, caused an uproar after posting a private Facebook message saying puberty blockers re harmful to kids. Cooper, meanwhile, lost a cosmetics deal after referring to transgenderism as a “fad.”
“All of those things were true,” Marshall said. “And you have it happened to Alice Cooper this summer. Vampyre Cosmetics dropped him because he said.. ‘Just because you identify as a tree, doesn’t mean you are one,’ or something along those lines. There still remains professional punishment for saying things that are true but are not correct, according to progressive orthodoxies.”
But although cancel culture appears to still be a very real threat, Marshall said he’s hopeful seeing more artists such as Anthony being so bold in their lyrics and so open about their faith. Anthony recently appeared on Joe Rogan’s podcast and shared how his walk with God changed his life.
“Ten years ago, 15 years ago, even Christians didn’t really talk about being Christian publicly, or very few did,” Marshall said. “Now the culture is really changing where it’s cool to be Christian. And that is so exciting. And it’s kind of the Christianity is the counterculture and there’s a lot of Christianity in the ‘Sound of Freedom’ movie as well. And for me that’s signaling a really big shift in the creative industries.”
–Dwight Widaman | Metro Voice