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Free event Monday night will discuss Critical Race Theory in local schools

Is Critical Race Theory invading your public schools? Why should you be concerned? Those questions will be addressed at a public forum Monday evening, May 17.

“Critical Race Theory Exposed” will delve behind the headlines and inform attendees on why they should make their voice heard as the controversial philosophy comes to your community. The event is sponsored by Concerned Women for America (CWA) of Missouri who is hosting Dr. Mary Bryne, Ed.D., an expert on race, Marxism and education.

Dr. Mary Bryne, Ed.D.

The forum begins at 6:30 p.m. Monday, May 17 at New Covenant Ministries, 532 S. Main Street in Independence, Mo. There’s no charge to attend.

Byrne’s multi-media presentation explains how current events, most notably the recent violence ignited by claims of systemic racism, are grounded in critical race theory; and how critical race theory is grounded in Karl Marx’s writing instructing followers about how to start revolution in a nation.

Attendees at the free event will learn how almost two centuries of Marxism has infiltrated the U.S. government and churches. Bryne examines the Marxist civil unrest and how it is fundamentally different from the work of civil rights icon Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Dr. Byrne says the media’s description of the goals of critical race theory is a “deliberate misrepresentation of America’s founding history by the Marxist narrative to discredit our Founders as an outcome of critical race theory, as well as other current school policies,” says CWA Missouri Director Bev Ehlen.

READ: What is Critical Race Theory?

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Dr. Byrne is a national speaker with an M.A. in special education; and an M.Ed. in curriculum and instructional design and a doctorate in special education from Teachers College at Columbia University.

CWA is just one of dozens of organizations across the nation working nationally to educate the public and the forum is just one event among dozens planned this year.

CWA points to Senator Tim Scott (R-South Carolina) who emphatically stated “America is not a racist country,” in his response to President Joe Biden’s first address to Congress.

“He is right. Racism is not uniquely American; it is uniquely human. It is uniquely sinful. It existed before America and will live after,” CWA reminds the public.

CWA explains that Critical Race Theory (CRT) is spreading the problem further by merely changing the assailant and the target of racism. “In the name of ending discrimination, critical thinkers have managed to develop a program that is itself racist. It just flips the equation

Ibram X. Kendi

But the targets of CRT are varied. Ibram X. Kendi, one of the chief proponents of CRT who directs the Center for Antiracist Research at Boston University, states “In order to truly be antiracist, you also have to truly be anti-capitalist.” That is why many have rightly traced the roots of CRT to Marxism.

“Thankfully,” CWA states, “parents are waking up to this pernicious ideology, especially as it is being applied in education, and they are rising up.”

The Christian organization shares the story of a Virginia mother’s video that went viral.

The mom, who is black, criticized her school board saying, “In the words of Martin Luther King Jr., ‘I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they would be judged not by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.’ Now I have a dream that we will implement love, not hate, or supporting another Jim Crow’s agenda.

CRT is not an honest dialogue. It is a tactic that was used by Hitler and the Ku Klux Klan on slavery very many years ago to dumb down my ancestors— so we could not think for ourselves.

CRT is racist. It is abusive. It discriminates against one’s color. Let me educate you. An honest dialogue does not oppress. An honest dialogue does not implement hatred or injustice. It is to communicate without deceiving people.

Today we don’t need your agreement; we want action and a backbone for what we ask for today: to ban CRT. We don’t want your political advertisement to divide our children or belittle them. Think twice before you indoctrinate such racist theories.

You cannot tell me what is or is not racist. Look at me! I had to come down here today to tell it to your face that we are coming together, and we are strong. This will not be the last greet and meet. Respectfully.”

CWA says this Black mother expresses the frustration that millions of parents from all racial and cultural backgrounds are feeling.

CWA, in a letter to supporters, said Christians must fight racism and injustice “wherever we find it. And in that spirit, we must resist this new racist CRT ideology.”

They are asking the public to communicate with their state representatives to make sure they are aware of the pernicious nature of CRT ideology.

“Let us resist the forces that insist on dividing us and further aggravating the wounds of our past racism and let us fight together for unity and true diversity in Christ.”

–Dwight Widaman | Metro Voice


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