
Free seminar explores investment in Israel the ‘start-up-nation’

“A reform happens when you change the policy of the government; a revolution happens when you change the mind-set of a country,” said author Dan Senor in his book Start-up Nation: The Story of Israel’s Economic Miracle.

Stefan Silver, director of Wise Money Israel

On Wednesday, October 24, Kansas Citians can learn how to tap into the start-up mindset of this innovative nation, a half a globe away. Stefan Silver, a director of Wise Money Israel, will detail his firm’s approach to helping their clients invest in leading Israeli stocks and bonds.     Silver has already given many talks in Asia, North America and Europe. These talks have stirred much interest that audiences claim is very insightful and practical for initiating investment in Israel.

Wise Money Israel (WMI) is a reputable portfolio management firm, working with hundreds of clients (individuals, funds, companies) around the world. They offer their clients the unique opportunity to invest in Israel’s economy and leading technologies through the Israeli capital market (stocks and bonds) with investment accounts with Israel’s largest brokerage firms.

Not only is Israel an entrepreneurial country, many global companies also have a presence there. These companies include high-tech giants Google, PayPal, Qualcomm, Apple, Facebook, Intel, Sandisk, Microsoft, IBM and Yahoo.

Having successfully invested hundreds of millions of shekels, WMI has earned its reputation as a trustworthy and secure home for investment capital. WMI partners with the largest and most well-known brokerages in Israel and offers stock and bond investing directly on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange (TASE). With a high level of integrity, professionalism and personal client attention, WMI clients in the U.S. and the nations have enjoyed solid returns on their investments.

Genesis 12:3 (KJV) states, “And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.” Silver will explain how to:

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  • Support Israel and align with biblical principles
  • Profit from Israel’s thriving economic revival
  • Diversify your funds internationally
  • Gain exposure to world-renowned Israeli innovations
  • Increase return on investment

The event will begin at 7 p.m. at Or HaOlam Messianic Synagogue, 9898 W. 95th St., Overland Park, Kan. The event is free and open to the public. Please email admin@orhaolam to register.

Or HaOlam Messianic Synagogue is a congregation of Jews and Gentiles who celebrate G-d’s covenant faithfulness to Israel and all nations. They believe the Messiah is Yeshua (Jesus’ name in Hebrew). He has come to fulfill the biblical prophecies and is the Light of the World, as their name means in Hebrew. Their website is

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