FamilyLocalTopeka News

Do You Have a Funny Marriage?

Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage Oct. 25

By Dwight Widaman
Laughter isn’t only the best medicine, it can also be the best marriage counselor. We know of its power to reduce stress in everyday life, but many couples have overlooked its usefulness in their most important relationship. They need a funny marriage!

Do you have a funny marriage? Mark Gungor will be in Kansas City for the Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage conference Oct. 24 and 25.
Do you have a funny marriage? Mark Gungor will be in Kansas City for the Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage conference Oct. 24 and 25.

On Oct. 24 and 25 at Lenexa Christian Center, married, single, and divorced couples will get a chance to laugh about — and make vital changes to — their relationships through Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage seminar hosted by pastor, motivational speaker, musician and writer Mark Gungor.

Most marriage seminars tend to be serious, technical, and emotionally taxing. Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage, by contrast, helps couples deal with tough issues in a way that’s fun and non-threatening. There are no workbooks to fill out, no emotional “break-out” sessions, and no one is ever forced to speak in front of the group.

“Our secular culture over-romanticizes marriage and our Christian culture over-spiritualizes it,” says Gungor. “The reality is that relationships between men and women are very down-to-earth.

In the Friday session, “The Tale of Two Brains,” Gungor will break down the walls by making couples laugh about the differences between men and women, emphasizing how marital difficulties can be the result not of a heart problem, but a head problem.
Saturday morning’s first session is called “The No. 1 Key to Incredible Sex.” In it, Gungor will discuss how the sexual messages of our culture are fundamentally flawed at best and destructive at worst, and suggest steps couples can take to achieving a spectacular and healthy sex life.

Saturday’s final sessions, “Why Does He/She Do That!?” and “How to Stay Married and Not Kill Anybody,” are hilarious explorations of marital dynamics meant to inspire couples to convert understanding into action.

Friday, Oct. 24 and Saturday, Oct. 25
Show Times: Friday, 7 p.m. to 10:00pm, and Saturday, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Doors Open: Friday, 6:15 p.m. and Saturday 8:15 a.m.
Lenexa Christian Center, 17500 W. 87th St. Pkwy., Lenexa, KS 66219
For information call the church at 913-888-1559 or visit to purchase tickets.


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