
Hearing on Legalizing Pot Today

Missouri House committee to hear marijuana legalization proposal today

In the first official hearing on legalizing drugs in Missouri, a House Committee will hold a hearing on a bill that would legalize possession of up to a pound of marijuana and set up a system for licensing growers and retailers and taxing the sale of pot.
Representative Chris Kelly (D-Columbia) took the language from one of several pro-drug initiative petitions with similar aims. He contends there is no evidence that marijuana is any more dangerous than alcohol or other substance.
His bill would create exemptions for those who grow their own marijuana, allowing an individual to have up to eight plants without a tax or license and up to 16 ounces of usable marijuana or solid marijuana and up to 72 ounces of marijuana in liquid form.
The hearing is in the basement of the Capitol TODAY at 5 p.m. or when the House adjourns in the afternoon. The legislation is HB 1659.  Pick a Committee member below and contact them today about your thoughts on the subject.

Hinson, Dave, Chair
Phone: 573-751-0549
E-Mail: Dave.Hinson@house.mo.gov

Conway, Kathie, Vice Chair
Phone: 573-751-2250
E-Mail: Kathie.Conway@house.mo.gov

Black, Linda
Phone: 573-751-2317
E-Mail: Linda.Black@house.mo.gov

Colona, Mike
Phone: 573-751-6736
E-Mail: Mike.Colona@house.mo.gov

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Cornejo, Robert
Phone: 573-751-1484
E-Mail: Robert.Cornejo@house.mo.gov

Ellington, Brandon
Phone: 573-751-3129
E-Mail: Brandon.Ellington@house.mo.gov

Higdon, Galen
Phone: 573-751-3643
E-Mail: Galen.Higdon@house.mo.gov

Lauer, Jeanie:
Phone: 573-751-1487
E-Mail: Jeanie.Lauer@house.mo.gov

Marshall, Nick
Phone: 573-751-6593
E-Mail: Nick.Marshall@house.mo.gov

McCaherty, John
Phone: 573-751-3751
E-Mail: John.McCaherty@house.mo.gov

Phillips, Don
Phone: 573-751-3851
E-Mail: Don.Phillips@house.mo.gov

Rhoads, Shawn
Phone: 573-751-1455
E-Mail: Shawn.Rhoads@house.mo.gov

Roorda, Jeff
Phone: 573-751-2504
E-Mail: Jeff.Roorda@house.mo.gov

Walton Gray, Rochelle
Phone: 573-751-5538
E-Mail: Rochelle.Gray@house.mo.gov

Wilson, Kenneth Williams
Phone: 573-751-9760
E-Mail: Ken.Wilson@house.mo.gov

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