Heartland Christian School Is Kingdom Education
Education is essential for the young people in our country and has many components that make it successful. The first component is the home. God’s Word gives parents the guidance needed for successfully completing this daunting responsibility. Parents are accountable to God to do everything possible to guide their children to accept Christ as their Savior, to develop a Biblical belief system to guide them in their life decisions, and to surrender to God’s will for their lives.
The second necessary component is the church. The New Testament church is ordained of God for the proclamation of the gospel and the building up of the saints. For a child, regular attendance in church is essential to Christian growth and the support of what is being taught at home and, hopefully, at his or her school.
The final component is the school itself, specifically one providing a Christian education. Neither public nor private, nor even Christian schools, are mentioned in Scripture. Therefore, our calling and purpose, given today’s societal structure, is to assist parents in their assignment of educating their child, with the ultimate goal being successful in life – in God’s eyes. The school can fulfill its calling in Kingdom Education by hiring loving and qualified Christian educators, teaching academics from a Biblical perspective, having students take daily Bible classes, having weekly chapel services, and providing a Christ-centered environment where students can thrive in their faith.
All of that is done with academic excellence from an accredited school. Everything the school does should be done with Kingdom Education in mind. That is the goal of Heartland Christian School – to come alongside parents in raising and instructing the next generation for Christ. It only takes one generation to change a nation.
For more information, visit hfministries.org.