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Israel Uncharted! Archaeology Proves the Bible is True

Don’t miss the 2023 season of Israel Uncharted! This year Aaron Lipkin returns to the Kansas City area with exciting new discoveries from the Holy Land.

He’ll be appearing at three free events on the evenings of July 31, Aug. 1, and Aug. 2 in Olathe, Raymore and Lee’s Summit. and are pleased to announce that Bott Radio is co-sponsoring the events.

The presentation, “Archaeology Proves the Bible is True,” will explore Joshua’s Altar and the lead tablet recently announced to the academic world. The tablet, discovered at the site of the altar, has turned the archaeological world and secular historians on their heads! It has upended everything they once believed about the Israelites entering the Promised Land and revealed historical details that corroborate the dates and events in Scripture. It is being called the most significant biblical archaeological discovery ever made.

Can we prove that Moses instructed Joshua to build the altar? Did Joshua follow those instructions? Is the story of the blessings and curses true? Is there any source outside of the scriptures that can prove that event happened? Was the Old Testament only passed down orally or does text exist to prove its events were also written down?  These and many other questions will be answered.

Aaron Lipkin is a popular speaker, archaeological preservationist, and Bible scholar who appears on numerous U.S. and Israeli TV news programs and works to help both Jews and Christians understand the history behind the Bible. 

His work in the preservation of Joshua’s Altar brought the world’s attention to Palestinian destruction of ancient biblical sites that are central to the narrative of the Scriptures. His work takes him across Samaria and Judea exploring some of the most exciting sites Israel has.

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He is currently on a U.S. speaking tour giving presentations on the discovery and scientific study of the lead tablet found at the site of Joshua’s Altar. Audiences are captivated as he brings the scriptures to life, showing how science and recent discoveries are proving the accuracy of the Bible.

Aaron’s presentation gives attendees goosebumps as he describes how science, archaeology and georgraphy are proving the accuracy of the Scriptures.

Here are the dates:

Archaeology ​Proves the Bible is True!

Monday, July 31, 2023
7:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Journey Bible Church
13700 W 151st ST
Olathe​,​ Ks 66062
Tuesday, Aug​ust 1, 2023
7:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Fellowship Church, Raymore, MO Campus
116 S Washington St
Raymore, MO 64083
Wednesday: August 2, 2023
​6:30 – 8:30 p.m.
MidContinent Public Library
Lee’s Summit Colbern Road Branch
1000 NE Colbern Rd.
Lee’s Summit, MO 64086

Make sure to share this with anyone who loves the scriptures, history, and archaeology.​

​Israel Uncharted is a program by Dwight & Anita Widaman of, their nonprofit and this year, the Bott Radio Network.

–Dwight Widaman | Metro Voice

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