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Kansans for Israel Rally to be held at the State Capitol

Kansans who want to show support for Israel will have an opportunity on Tuesday, March 19.

The Kansans for Israel Rally will take place at the Kansas State Capitol. Kansans for Israel stands against attempts to isolate Israel through Boycotts, Divestments and Sanctions (BDS). The BDS movement wants to keep Kansas from investing in Israel but many in the heart of the nation feel differently. This rally will be an opportunity to show support for Israel, visit with legislators and be in the gallery.

The schedule of activities is as follows:

10:00 AM – Arrival. Enter through north doors, go to 2nd floor Meditation Room. If you have the name of your Rep. and Senator, you will recieve a card to leave with them.

11:00 AM – House in session. Some participants will be in the gallery.

11:30 AM – Begin arriving at the south steps of the Capitol.

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12:00 PM – Rally Begins on the south steps.

1:00 PM – End of the rally.

2:00 PM – Those who can stay through to visit the Senate gallery welcomed.

Early arrivals can gather in the south wing of the 1st floor of the Capitol. They can enter thru security at the North side visitors center, then make their way to the 1st floor rotunda, south.

Please help us by registering yourself and anyone coming with you who isn’t registered so that we can get an accurate headcount! Remember, it’s free!

This is a free event. Plans are underway to have lunch provided.

Parking is available in the Judicial Center lot off 10th street, across the street from the south steps. More information on parking can be found here.


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