Kansas News

Kansans for Life to hold annual oratorical contest

Kansans for Life will hold its 2019 David Gittrich Memorial Oratorical Contest in Salina on April 27 at 1:00 PM at the Salina Public Library.

The Oratorical Contest is for juniors and seniors in high school. Contestants are to research, write, and present an original pro-life speech on abortion, infanticide, euthanasia, or stem cell research. Speeches are to be 5-7 minutes in length. Note cards may be used.

Registration for the contest is due by April 5th. To register, students can send the following information by mail to KFL Oratory Contest, 3301 W. 13th St. N., Wichita, Kansas 67203, or email to kflleah@gmail.com:
Student’s name, age, grade level, full address, phone, email address, school name, contestant’s signature (electronic is acceptable), parent’s name & signature (electronic is acceptable).

For additional information, a list of rules, and a printable application go to the kfl website, call 800-928-5433, or email kflleah@gmail.com.

Here is an excerpt from last year’s winner, Stacia Mendoza:

“Choice. That is a word that the proabortion movement loves to use. It sounds so freeing. One would never estimate the immense pain and guilt that could manifest itself from such “liberty.” Choice seems to put the power in the women. But in reality it’s more like what I learned at my babysitting class. You can give a child two choices: “Instead of jumping on the bed we can go get ice cream or go watch a movie. Which do you choose?” Although the child ultimately gets the choice, you will get what you want no matter what: them to stop jumping on the bed. Choice seems to put the power in the chooser, but in all actuality it has never left the hands of the one who manipulates what is being offered​.”

To read Stacia’s full speech, go to the February / March issue of the KFL newsletter.


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