Kansas Prayer Breakfast moves to new venue

The Kansas Prayer Breakfast is back with an in-person event featuring statewide leaders in government, business, education and industry on hand – but this year at a new venue. Now held at Fellowship Bible Church, 6800 SW 10th Avenue, on Wednesday, March 16th, this will be the 60th celebration of the annual event. Breakfast will be served at 6:30 a.m., and the program begins at 7 a.m.
This year’s featured speakers will be Rod Handley and Damion Cooper.
Rod Handley is the Founder & President of Character that Counts, a ministry established in 2000. Rod speaks all across the nation to men, women and teenagers about character, integrity and accountability issues. He has written over 30 books including “Character Counts: Who’s Counting Yours?” From 1986-1999, he served on the staff of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, including 11 years as the COO/CFO. He has also spoken at hundreds of chapel services for a number of NFL, NBA and MLB teams, including serving as team chaplain for the Kansas City Royals (1995-2009) and the Seattle SuperSonics (1986-89). Rod and his wife Janna live in Lee’s Summit, MO and they have four children (ages 21-28). www.characterthatcounts.org
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On July 1, 2021, Damion Cooper launched Collektive Company under the umbrella of Character that Counts. He previously served as the Youth Pastor at GracePointe Church in Lee’s Summit. Damion’s vision is “Reaching the ONE” through love, risk and cultural relativity. It exists to inspire the next generation, to transform leaders and businesses, and advance God’s Kingdom. Damion and his wife Krista have two young daughters and they live in Lee’s Summit, MO. www.collektiveco.com
The Kansas Prayer Breakfast is held in March each year, and is patterned after the National Prayer Breakfast, which began in 1953 in Washington, D.C., under the leadership of Kansas Senator Frank Carlson and President Dwight Eisenhower. The Kansas version began in 1962 with the aid and encouragement of Governor John Anderson. Carlson was the first keynote speaker.
Tickets for the breakfast are $20.00 per person. For reservations or more information go to www.kansasprayerbreakfast.org. Virtual attendance via zoom is also available at no cost. The event is sponsored by Topeka Fellowship, Inc.
–Lee Hartman | Metro Voice
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