
What Kind of Broker Are You?

As a marketplace leader, you can be a broker in the talent, resourcefulness creativity of others

By Linda Fields
Realize it or not, you are in control of a very valuable commodity—no, it may not be reported on the New York Stock Exchange and it isn’t money in the bank, but there is a visible index and you can invest it wisely. What is this commodity? INFORMATION!

To assess your information portfolio, take a quick inventory of the things you know in the following categories:
• Values you place above all else.
• Time-saving tips you have learned, the hard way!
• Your aspirations for the future.
• Comments that would make your family aware ofyour appreciation.
• The top 5 things you are grateful for in the people in your circle of involvement.

Linda Fields is the Director of the Joseph Company and contributing writer to Metro Voice News.
Linda Fields is the Director of the Joseph Company and contributing writer to Metro Voice News.

Wow, what a powerhouse of information you hold! Are you holding it closely, maybe too closely? Let’s look at a specific example of this last area—things you are grateful for in your circle of influence.

As I survey the people I am privileged to work with on a day- to-day basis, I see incredible talent, resourcefulness, creativity, and ability to adapt to change.

Rather than keep these opinions to myself, it is much more powerful to communicate to these individuals what I see in them and how much I appreciate their integrity in the workplace.

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Sharing that information with them directly in a note or with a personal comment is to give a gift.
To give these personal gifts of expression is to broker or steward information well.

When you choose to share information with those who will most value it, you are investing in lives. The value of confidence instilled by encouraging words or the effect of affirmation on a weary person is substantial.

How is your information portfolio looking and what valuable information will you choose to broker?

“A person’s words can be life-giving water; words of true wisdom are as refreshing as a bubbling brook.”
Proverbs 18:4 NLT
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