Missouri NewsNewsPolitics & Policy

Legislators want special session to stop critical race theory in Missouri schools

Two Missouri lawmakers have sent a letter to Gov Mike Parson to request a special legislative session to address the teaching of critical race theory in state schools.

In the letter, Sen. Cindy O’Laughlin, R-District 18, and chair of the Senate Education Committee, and Rep. Chuck Basye, R-District 47, chair of the House Elementary and Secondary Committee, wrote:

“These curriculum changes are divisive and unnecessary. During the last few weeks of the 2021 legislative session, there were attempts to add language that would prevent or curtail the teaching of these radical concepts. Unfortunately, none of these efforts were successful. As the chairs of the Senate and House oversight committees, with jurisdiction over education matters in Missouri, we respectfully request a call for an extraordinary session to address the issues identified above.”

Recent violence ignited by claims of systemic racism is grounded in critical race theory, according to Concerned Women for America. It has its roots in Karl Marx’s writing instructing followers about how to start a revolution in a nation. Almost two centuries of Marxism has infiltrated the U.S. government, business and churches, and there is a current concerted effort to indoctrinate Missouri schoolchildren. The theory and the 1619 project seek to reframe U.S. history and teach students to distrust the Founding Fathers and our founding documents.”

Much of CRT is based on the controversial 1619 Project designed by the New York Times. The curriculum rewrites American history and pushes the idea that the United States was founded, not on the democratic principles of the Constitution and Bill of Rights but 150 years earlier when the first slave arrived on the continent under Dutch and British colonial rule.

Bev Ehlen, state director of CWA of Missouri, encourages the following actions:

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  • Contact Gov. Parson and tell him we do not want CRT by any name in our schools. Urge him to schedule a special legislative session to address the push to incorporate Critical Race Theory and/or the 1619 Project curriculum into Missouri schools. Tell him you do not want Critical Race Theory by any name in our schools. The phone number is (573) 751-3222.
  • Forward this information to other concerned family and friends.
  • Pray: “Father, help our governor understand how important it is to protect our children from the harms of this CRT curriculum. Give him the wisdom and courage to `yes’ to this special legislative session. Lord, may your will be done in Missouri. In Jesus’ name, amen.”

–Dwight Widaman | Metro Voice

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