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London’s Spurgeon’s College names Rick Warren as first chancellor

Spurgeon’s College, a London-based Baptist institution, has named author and former pastor Rick Warren as its first chancellor.

Founded in 1856 as “Pastor’s College” by Baptist preacher Charles Haddon Spurgeon, today Spurgeon’s is the leading evangelical college in the United Kingdom, with a growing emphasis on online learning. More than 5,000 men and women have been trained in Christian mission and ministry, including more than half of next-generation U.K. pastors and leaders each year.

“I am delighted to have officially joined Spurgeon’s College as its first chancellor at this important time in its development and mission,” Warren said. “I have a deep personal family connection over four generations to Charles Spurgeon and the ministry of the college he founded, and he is responsible for my family moving to America. Further, my understanding of the meaning of ordination and conviction from scripture on ministry leadership are identical to Charles Spurgeon’s published views. I am grateful to God and the college for this opportunity to give back to this community.”

Speaking of the appointment, Vice Chancellor the Rev. Prof Philip McCormack said, “On behalf of the governing body, staff, students, college alumni and the many friends, supporters and stakeholders of the college, I am absolutely thrilled to welcome chancellor Rick Warren as part of the Spurgeon’s College family.”

As chancellor, Warren will play a key role in supporting the vision of the college to train men and women for Christian mission, ministry and leadership in the contemporary world. The primary aim of the college and Warren in their aligned mission is to make Jesus known. Recent census data show that fewer than 5 percent of the U.K. population identify as practicing Christians, yet one-third said they wanted to know more about Jesus.

As part of this mission, the college will be welcoming more students at Spurgeon’s through its online learning community, which can be accessed from anywhere around the globe and for which Warren will be providing guest lectures, as well as calling on the global Christian community to invest in the college’s vision and cause.

“The name of Spurgeon stands for a number of key values that the church needs to recover today,” Warren said “It represents strong Bible-based doctrine; passionate preaching; extensive church planting; winsome evangelism; a commitment to the ministry of every believer and caring for the poor, the orphaned and the marginalized. I’d summarize Charles Spurgeon’s life and ministry with this slogan: “He made a great commitment to the Great Commandment and the Great Commission that produced a great church and a great college.”

–Alan Goforth | Metro Voice

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