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Missouri Right to Life lists legislative successes, looks at 2019

As the 2019 legislative session kicks off, we reflect on what is now history and look ahead to begin making a future for those whose lives are in danger from abortion and unethical research.

In 2018 and continuing into this year, we have and are seeing the life-saving effects of SB 5 from 2017. Abortion clinics have closed and the pro-life laws from SB 5 are still preventing abortions. There are upcoming court challenges to these laws, and we need to pray that these laws will stay in effect for the protection of women and their babies!

In 2019 Missouri Right to Life’s priority legislation is the “Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act”. This legislation will prevent abortions on babies that can feel pain during an abortion. This legislation extends general protection to unborn babies who are at least 20 weeks beyond fertilization (which is equivalent to 22 weeks of pregnancy — about the start of the sixth month). There is abundant evidence that by this point in development (and probably earlier), the unborn child has the capacity to experience excruciating pain during typical abortion procedures.

The work of our Missouri Right to Life PAC’s and pro-life people across the state have given us two and half times as many pro-life legislators as pro-abortion legislators in the Missouri General Assembly, thus it’s time to strike another blow against the abortion industry with this bill that has the power to cripple them on many fronts — the “Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act”.

Other pro-life priorities that we will see in 2019 are: two-custodial parent notification prior to a minor having an abortion, informed consent given to women in Missouri at the time they are referred to an out of state abortion clinic, continued funding for pro-life programs like the Alternatives-to-Abortion program, Show-Me Healthy Babies, and funding for pregnant women to get off drugs while pregnant. We will also be working to place pro-life protections on economic development bills that open the door for human cloning and embryonic stem cell research. Additionally, we will be opposing legislation that would strike down all our pro-life laws — legislation we oppose on this front is the ERA.

Please pray for all our elected officials and for Missouri Right to Life as we work to save babies and protect women through all our legislative work.

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–Susan Klein, Executive Director, Missouri Right to Life

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