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Native tree seedlings available from Missouri Department of Conservation

Don’t let spring go by without planting a tree! You can now order native tree and shrub seedlings for as little as 22 cents each from the Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC). You don’t even have to be a Missouri resident to have your seedlings shipped.

Over three-million tree seedlings are grown each year at the MDC George O. White State Nursery located outside Licking, Missouri and the Mark Twain National Forest. They then sell one-year-old, bare-root seedlings with sizes varying by species. Tree and shrub seedling varieties include pine, pecan, oak, dogwood, tulip poplar, cottonwood, sweet gum, cypress, birch, hickory, willow, persimmon, pawpaw, deciduous holly, redbud, wild plum, ninebark, witch hazel, serviceberry, mulberry, elderberry and others. The online Seedling Order Form Catalogue displays a full listing and order form. Some species are already sold out for this year.

Seedlings are available in bundles of 10 or 25 per species. Prices range from 22 cents to 90 cents per seedling depending on the variety and quantity. Orders can be placed until April 15 and will be shipped or can be picked up at the State Nursery near Licking, MO (four hours from the Kansas City metro) through May 2020. Customers with a Heritage Card receive a 15-percent discount, or up to $20 off.

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The nursery in Licking.

The MDC will ship seedlings to other states for a fee, or residents of other states can find additional conservation departments and resources by state from the Association of Fish and Wildlife Associations.

Native trees, shrubs, and woody vines can help improve wildlife habitat, soil and water conservation while also improving the appearance and value of property. Native plants can also be used for reforestation, windbreaks, erosion control, wildlife food and cover.

For more information and to download the Seedling Order Form catalogue, visit MDC or call 573-674-3229.

The nursery began in the 1930s, soon after Missouri’s national forests had been designated. At that time, thousands of forest acres needed restoration, and it would take millions of seedlings to do it. The U.S. Forest Service sent a young forester, George O. White, to Texas County to inspect a possible site for the nursery. White found the property well suited for growing shortleaf pine seedlings, and it was centrally located within Missouri’s National Forests.

Thank you George White!

–Metro Voice

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